Who to Awaken

Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
I will get a 4* awakening gem from SA Calender soon. Need your advice on whom to use it on.
Currently I am at 5.2.5. i do heroic & master eq every month from last 3 months. play map4 sometimes map5. My roster is: Hype r4, omega r3, darkhawk r3 & sym supreme, capiw, void, gwenpool, korg all 4* maxout. also i can get the basic 4* champs from arena. so only confused in some champs... Thanks in advance...

Who to Awaken 15 votes

corvus glaive
Normax_XRathma23Hamloy 3 votes
SamdroxtaarReferenceEtjamaFreeToPlay_21BrudixTreeSpiderLazer 6 votes
quake (but not a quake player)
Spity68 1 vote
ghost rider
voo doo
FhfjghhggggjfhfjgChampSlayerGiodood_1GSDLR 4 votes
venom the duck
H3t3r 1 vote
she hulk


  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Gr only should be awakened if you have the trinity
    If you really really Love Corvus you can take him, it gives a really good extra sustain, but the only one i See Here who really should be awakened is Medusa! She needs only sig 1 and not even synergys, just the dupe
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    @BrudixTree I only have blade as 4* (starky 3*).. But I am not good at dexing (thats why I dont like starky & quake, but I know they are beast in this game)...

    so, I am confused with medusa & corvus...
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Corvus signatura ability makes him more sexy and more sustainable, but imo, he doesnt Need it, while Medusas damage is only half as good without dupe! So imo its a clear Thing between These 2 candidats.

    Edit: Medusa also gets more sustainable with her awakening because shes got a 40 % Chance to autoblock every time you have 3 furys and you made a mistake!
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    Thanks @BrudixTree for your valuable feedback...
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    No Problem :love: , thats what i like to do, to help out People, nnot just in the Forums :P
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