Da Henchmen looking for a few good men Top 500 AQ focused Alliance Gold 1/Plat 4 AW. 8k Prestige +

Hey all
We are looking for 2-3 players to join our Alliance.
We currently run 66555 in AQ & place top 500, Gold 1 AW at Tier 4.
AW is chill & we finish in Gold 1 or the new Platinum 4 without much stress.
Organised but fun international group of players always having a laugh.
Donations: Gold 143K BCs: 11K Loyalty 10k
Contact me on Line: LosSpik

We are looking for 2-3 players to join our Alliance.
We currently run 66555 in AQ & place top 500, Gold 1 AW at Tier 4.
AW is chill & we finish in Gold 1 or the new Platinum 4 without much stress.
Organised but fun international group of players always having a laugh.
Donations: Gold 143K BCs: 11K Loyalty 10k
Contact me on Line: LosSpik
