Ghost and Hood synergy question

afternoon, was in AW today use ghost and hood synergy when i phased and blade triggered his L3 when it passed i converted the bleeds but was still stunned ? why does the stun work differently to the bleeds ? if i’m phased then i can’t be stunned as it’s a debuff right ? or otherwise i’d be bleeding as well ? am i missing something ? i know blade has a percentage chance to stun the opponent but if i’m phased that shouldn’t be happening right ? happened on every L3 i phased through i got the fury for the bleeds but was stunned every time
Any non damaging debuffs (stun, armor break..) still apply though.
Ghost convert only DOT debuffs to passive fury.
The synergy only applies to damage over time such as bleeds, shocks, incinerate and frost as long it’s an non- passive type. But still doesn’t explain why degeneration from Dormammu is an passive type and yet the synergy is able to phase the damage during phase duration. But all in all! It only applies to Non-passive DoT debuff type. Hope that clears things up
Phasing by itself is what converts damage over time debuffs like bleed, shock, incinerate (not passives) into fury, whether you have the hood synergy or not.
Phasing a sp3 that puts damage over time debuffs on you will automatically convert those debuffs to fury but you’ll still take damage unless you have the hood synergy. If you do then it’ll convert the damage over time debuffs and you’ll take no damage.
If it’s not a damage over time debuff it won’t be converted to fury, which is why she can be armor broken to neutralize her phasing and damage.
Hey there.
Converting? I know what it means but you take damage from DoT without Hood
He only wanted to know why he was still getting stunned. Even if it wasn’t an perfect explanation from me he now know that stun debuff is not an DoT.
The problem with Medusa sp3 is that it’s an armor break type so Ghost won’t be able to phase it and won’t be able to activate Phase during the armor break duration.
Ghost is great against many champions as long it’s not an stun type or armor break type