A "Balcony"

Hello MCOC Community. Long time player, first time poster. My suggestion is a "Balcony" (I'm not married to the name) for AQ and AW. Let me explain the purpose. Two of the most important and interesting parts of the game (IMO) are class advantage and synergies. In AQ and AW you only have 3 attackers which can make taking advantage of both class advantage and synergies tough. An example is Killmonger and Winter Soldier. Their synergy is very useful for fighting evade and auto block champions but to use this synergy you have to bring 2 skill champs, which reduces you chances of getting class advantages in fights. My suggestion is that we can add a 4th champion to AQ and AW that isn't available to fight in the quest or war but "observes". This 4th champion will follow all the usual rules for AQ and AW in that he/she can't be used to fight in other quests if in the balcony (if applicable) but any synergies with champions that are being used for fighting will be activated. Lastly, there should be one requirement for the balcony and that is the champion the Summoner places in the balcony must be at or above the rarity level of the lowest champ being used to fight. Going back to my example, this would prevent someone from bringing all 5 star champs to fight with and placing a 2 star champ in the balcony for the synergies. If the Summoner brings all 5 star champs to fight, then the champ in the balcony but be at least 5 star, etc. I hope this makes sense and people think it's a good idea. Looking forward to the feedback.


  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 409 ★★★
    I like the idea and it could add some cool strategy. Unfortunately, this appears to buck the trend of making AW and AQ harder. So I don't think it would happen.
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