To me I actually like iceman his sp1 animation is just cool seeing ice as u dont really see something like that apart from now human torch but before than animation for human torch where it was only kind iceman was so unique and different from most champs on evading
As well as the fact that it nullifies a buff. He is a solid counter to tons of content. Definitely one of the top if not top sp1 in the game. A couple others: -Medusa allows you to quickly reach armor shatter. -Vision aoe awakened can easily spam sp1 and prevent all specials.
Bleed immune hinders his damage by a lot. I wouldn't say #1 just yet.
Not really,if the opponent is bleed immune he degens the opponent instead. Read his info before you comment. And I agree with everyone who said hyperion,his is very cool to me.
As well as the fact that it nullifies a buff. He is a solid counter to tons of content. Definitely one of the top if not top sp1 in the game. A couple others: -Medusa allows you to quickly reach armor shatter. -Vision aoe awakened can easily spam sp1 and prevent all specials.
Bleed immune hinders his damage by a lot. I wouldn't say #1 just yet.
Not really,if the opponent is bleed immune he degens the opponent instead. Read his info before you comment. And I agree with everyone who said hyperion,his is very cool to me.
I use venom every day. There has not been 1 single day that degen came into play. You should be reading his abilities.
Sorry I though he was talking about venom the duck,my bad. Sorry.
Sabretooth! Because pretty much every time (save for when the Persistent Charge meter resets) he’s dealing more and more damage with bigger and bigger bleeds.
For the damage, I'd agree with other users: Hyperion. Specially after getting a few furies.
And I agree with everyone who said hyperion,his is very cool to me.
I havent used his sp2 and sp3 while using him ever