tier 4 class catalyst arena please?

one thing that has been missing from the game for a while is pretty obvious
a daily tier 4 class catalyst arena that runs along side the daily quest. so for example today is science slaughter, so not only do we have the catalyst quest but a science slaughter arena to obtain a fully formed tier 4 catalyst like we can with the basic.
the catalyst clash :- class and basic rewards are pretty lame and already easily obtainable if we just did the quests.
your arena info is as follows : get catalyst to rank up your champions, this 2 day arena will award a tier 4 class catalyst crystal to the top ranked players.....yes "top ranked players"
imagine playing a 48 hour arena to just get :
500 gold - 5000 pts
1000 gold - 10000 pts
500 battle chips -20,000 pts
10 units -30,000
1,500 gold -50,000
2,000 battle chips (one arena crystal)- 100,000 pts
20 units- 250,000pts
one premium hero crystal - 500,000 pts (you have to grind one millions points for the next reward)
ascendant crystal - 1,500,000 pts (potential rewards- iso 8 with a RARE chance to obtain a a tier 4 basic catalyst tier 4 class or a tier 1 alpha) (you have to grind one millions points for the next reward AGAIN)
ascendant crystal and 10 tier 4 class catalyst fragment crystal- 2,500,000 pts
so to grind 2,500,000 pts in a 48 hour arena for very little in return. only milestone worth anything is 30,000 and 250,000 milestone. you're not even getting 10,000 battle chips in return for the amount it costs you to enter.
If it's going to be a catalyst clash, the rewards should be catalyst based on every milestone.
a daily tier 4 class catalyst arena that runs along side the daily quest. so for example today is science slaughter, so not only do we have the catalyst quest but a science slaughter arena to obtain a fully formed tier 4 catalyst like we can with the basic.
the catalyst clash :- class and basic rewards are pretty lame and already easily obtainable if we just did the quests.
your arena info is as follows : get catalyst to rank up your champions, this 2 day arena will award a tier 4 class catalyst crystal to the top ranked players.....yes "top ranked players"
imagine playing a 48 hour arena to just get :
500 gold - 5000 pts
1000 gold - 10000 pts
500 battle chips -20,000 pts
10 units -30,000
1,500 gold -50,000
2,000 battle chips (one arena crystal)- 100,000 pts
20 units- 250,000pts
one premium hero crystal - 500,000 pts (you have to grind one millions points for the next reward)
ascendant crystal - 1,500,000 pts (potential rewards- iso 8 with a RARE chance to obtain a a tier 4 basic catalyst tier 4 class or a tier 1 alpha) (you have to grind one millions points for the next reward AGAIN)
ascendant crystal and 10 tier 4 class catalyst fragment crystal- 2,500,000 pts
so to grind 2,500,000 pts in a 48 hour arena for very little in return. only milestone worth anything is 30,000 and 250,000 milestone. you're not even getting 10,000 battle chips in return for the amount it costs you to enter.
If it's going to be a catalyst clash, the rewards should be catalyst based on every milestone.