Stuck on act 4.4.4

Hy guys. I'm on act 4, chapter 4 and quest 4.
My Champs are
4star 4/40 dped iceman
4star 4/40 unduped quake
5star 2/35 undped Omega Red
5star 2/35 und Red Hulk
4star 4/40 undup wasp, mr sinister or capIW.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but can't clear it without potions and revives..
Already taking easier paths..
Should i change champ or they need to b upgraded
My Champs are
4star 4/40 dped iceman
4star 4/40 unduped quake
5star 2/35 undped Omega Red
5star 2/35 und Red Hulk
4star 4/40 undup wasp, mr sinister or capIW.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but can't clear it without potions and revives..
Already taking easier paths..
Should i change champ or they need to b upgraded
They are hitting 12 hits per combo. And not using sp1
Upgrading your 4 stars will be enough.
Use cap IW
And what kind of opponents requires you get that dexterity readied.
Nobody can help you if you can't parry or dex properly.
Get yourself trained up and fight through it. No use complaining.
His SP2 is the best source of damage, but his SP1 has 100% AAR (Ability Accuracy Reduction) when Kinetically charged and can be used to bypass evade, limbo, and other abilities ^_^
Keep practising , as your skill grows , you will solo everything.we all take combos to the face once in a while , because we loose focus or mistime or the bugs in the game , but overall you should feel you are in control most of the time.
It took me 112 hit combo with my 4/40 sym supreme to take down groot boss in act 4.4 with 11k pi