
1)Vision age of ultron:
health steal from sp is same amount of damage done . After each sp gain 3 sec of low dense phage & high dense phase alternatively. In low dense phage 100% chance to miss projectile & 30% chance to miss nonprojectile. In high dense phase 10% less damage from any non sp attack & 50% less damage from sp attack.
health steal from sp is same amount of damage done . After each sp gain 3 sec of low dense phage & high dense phase alternatively. In low dense phage 100% chance to miss projectile & 30% chance to miss nonprojectile. In high dense phase 10% less damage from any non sp attack & 50% less damage from sp attack.
Continuous power gain like dr. Strange but little more slow. And synthesis is possible as long as he has less than 35% power of his power meter. Block 2 sec(with getting hit) he eneter special phage- low & high dense. Each phage last for 2.5 sec. And phage give same capability like previously mentioned for vision age of ultron. And sp steal health of amount of 1/3 of damage done by sp.
Vision classic is real good how he is now. But i said these changes bcaz ppl may ask later y this vision & that vision has less similarity. Also i considered this change so that vision classic dont bcome op so that ppl feel it unbalanced.
1) Signature abilty:
»»»» Power Steal & Health Synthesis(When draining power)........
Special attack has 100% chance to disrupt the target, stealing "X"% (max 40%) of burnt power as their own and 100% chance to synthesis "Y" (max 500) amount of health as their own.
2) Passive:
»»»»10% collar tech.
»»»»kinetic instigator as long as vision has under two bar power.
»»»»To enter "THROUGH PHASE" dodge back and block for 2 sec. Vision can stay in "THROUGH PHASE" for 3 sec. After one THROUGH PHASE expire vision cant immediately enter next through phase, he need 5 sec to revive the ability. While vision is in through phase 40% chance to miss nonprojectile & 90% chance to miss projectile. Not only that vision take 20% less damage from opponent sp during THROUGH PHASE.
»»»»Advance robotics provide full immunity to bleed & poison.
»»»»Having one of the infinity stone (mind stone) on forehead of vision, his ability cant b decreased more than 30%
3) Special Attacks:
»»»»Converts x% of power burnt into direct damage.
»»»»If sp attack reduces enemy to zero power meter then enemy suffer from 7 sec heal block debuff
»»»»vision's mind stone can partially act through opponent block. If sp attack burn "Z%" of power from nonblocking enemy then it can burn "(Zx0.35)%" from blocking opponent.
##### sp1, sp2, sp3: as it is.
Here are some 'minor' changes:
-Doctor Strange gains 1 bar of power every 0.05 second
-Doctor Strange is immune to all debuffs
-Doctor Strange's fate seal deals 900,000% energy damage when he activates it
Special attacks:
-All sp attacks freeze time, stun the opponet and prevent their buffs, power gain from working(just liek in teh movie xD)
-Sp2: 999% weakness, 888% armor break and 100,000% life steal
-Sp3: 9 billion % chance to instantly KO the oppent, this attack cannot be prevented or reduced
Dont try to kill my post by doing this. It is abuse. It is for vision only thnk u. I also want ds improve. But not to colletor level. Neither vision is going to b collector level. If u do math then u will c vision is requested to make versatile not op.
So why can't I choose an average champion to talk about?Doctor Strange was killed by Kabam since 12.0 and you only want Vision to be buffed because you like him?That's a little too selfish
You mean everyone being sarcastic is abuse?
Or do you mean a sorceror supreme being completely usless in a game is Kabam being sarcastic?
Both. U doing the sarcastic way. And the regen nerf of ds was sarcastic.
Doctor Strange is my favorite character so I have to mention him most, plus Kabam made him useless unlike his comic book/movie version, he supposed to be the sorceror supreme, I am a liitle bit sarcastic because that's usually the way I am and you accused me of abusing
I do not want to kill this thread, I like Vision too, but in my PERSONAL opinion he's already good enough and I just want Doctor Strange, BW and Carnage so I have to mention one of them in this post like many people do in 'Buff dese charectar, they deserve more' posts
I found he has lack of longibility in long quest. So i put heal gain by sp idea in old forrum. Kabam made that forrum sticky. In that forrum someone gave idea about phase. And that strike my brain that he is right according to comics.
So i m trying to incorporate those 2 feature in vision ability.
And also i found spite is very annoying node. So i think vision will b useless if they can gain sp3 b4 vision get sp1. But vision aou is for power control and should also need to b toe to toe with power gain champ like vision og or hyperion.
Fine, we all get inspired to create buff threads by stupid nerfs, I just want Doctor Strange back since 12.0 like you want Vision to be buffed since the willpower nerf
Sorry for being a little sarcastic, Doctor Strange just needs his power gain and life steal back or keep him like that and add new abillities for him such as basic atks nullify if crit, power steal or something like those
1) Signature abilty:
»»»» Power Steal (When draining power)—>
Special attack has 100% chance to disrupt the target, stealing "X"% (max 43%) of burnt power as their own & and resynthesis "Y%" (max 7%) of his own base health amount.
2) Enter The Phase:
»»»» Having one the powerful infinity stone (mind stone) on forehead vision can alternatively enter into two different phase, namely—
—(i) THROUGH Phase
—(ii) CONDENSED Phase.
»»»»To enter a special "PHASE" dodge back and block for 1 sec. Vision can stay in one "PHASE" for 2 sec. After one "PHASE" expire vision cant immediately enter next "PHASE" he need 12 sec to revive the ability. Vision's "Enter The Phase" potency cant b effected by ability decrease or potency decrease. And under either phase his ability accuracy cant b decreased too. But during any phase if vision is stunned by any reason he is pulled out from phase.
While vision is in this phase 25% chance to miss nonprojectile & 95% chance to miss projectile. Not only that vision take 25% less damage from opponent sp3 during THROUGH PHASE. Vision can partially act through opponent block. If sp attack burn "Z%" of power from nonblocking enemy then it can burn "(Zx⅓)%" from blocking opponent.
In this phase nothing can hurt vision. Also he bcome unvulnerable to any passive damage. He has 20% chance to become unstoppable during this phase.
3) Passive:
»»»»10% collar tech
»»»»Advance robotics provide full immunity to bleed & poison.
»»»»Having one of the infinity stone (mind stone) on forehead of vision, his ability cant b decreased more than 40%
4) Special Attacks:
»»»»Converts x% of power burnt into direct damage.
»»»»If sp attack reduces enemy to zero power meter then enemy suffer from 5 sec heal block debuff
##### sp1, sp2, sp3: as it is.
Vision aou is top 20! Wow. Did not know that. Let me count rank 1-20 and lets c if he is there.
Lol. Thnk u calling me son. Yes i will show u the top 20 available champs.
2) sl (have duped 4*)
3) gwenpool (dont have)
4) iceman (dont have)
5) dr voodoo (have duped 4*)
6) magik (have duped 4*)
7) hulk (have duped 4*)
8) sw (dont have)
9) red deadpool (dont have)
10) wolveriene (have duped 4*)
11) vision og (dont have)
12) x23 (have unduped 4*)
13) cap america ww2 (dont have)
14) cap america classic (have 4* duped)
15) ghost rider (have unduped 4*)
16) rougue (have duped 4*)
17) crossbone (have unduped 4*)
18) spider se (dont have)
19) cable (dont have)
20) dormammu (have unduped 4*)
?) Vision aou