nothing too bad. IMO I don't see the point in 3/3 petrify, 3/3 dexterity, or 5/5 SYG. If you get hit with heavies a lot I guess, but most people do none there or 2/5 for the big PI boost. 1-2 is fine in the other two, 1 for Perfect Block, then you can put a looooooot more in attack.
Need to get Despair, Deep Wounds and Assassin unlocked. After that maybe 1 in Glass Cannon.
3/3 in WP is not typical anymore and coagulate not super helpful except as a PI booster for arenas. On that branch I really do like 1-2 in Inequity for the damage reduction; then you could add 1 in resonate if you run champs that benefit from debuffs like luke, elektra and void a lot.
Need to get Despair, Deep Wounds and Assassin unlocked. After that maybe 1 in Glass Cannon.
3/3 in WP is not typical anymore and coagulate not super helpful except as a PI booster for arenas. On that branch I really do like 1-2 in Inequity for the damage reduction; then you could add 1 in resonate if you run champs that benefit from debuffs like luke, elektra and void a lot.