Dungeon Node "Slumber" Not Working on Juggernaut
Apparently Juggernaut's fight initial unstoppable overrides the stun for the slumber node. Is this how the node and Juggernaut's abilities are supposed to be interacting? I understand that Juggernaut cannot be stunned while unstoppable, but you'd think that the node would override that ability. I just got my face bashed in because the node wasn't working as described.
i fought Domino with Slumber :
First try she isn't stun and she gain power normally - after 15 sec she gain a great boost and kill me
second try, she is stun but gain power while i kick her so goes up quickly to sp3. fortunately i manage to do my sp3 before her
had she been stun on the first try i would have not died
The node is effective only on Domino not your champion
i hopefully had Blade so i managed to kill him but the fight was hard