Interested in a Merger?

ISO 8 Hunters (B)
Tag name: I8H-B

Establish Jan 2017; currently rebuilding

We had a solid base for over 2 years, some of our members have been playing together since alliances were first introduced; but unfortunately we hit a rough patch.

A few members have retired, others wanted to experience Map 7, and a few went looking for an non-war alliance.
Now, we are looking to rebuild. We are an adult alliance made up of members from all over. We can work with any time zone.

In our hay day (last week), we were a 24m alliance running map 6. We are looking to scale back. Map 5 x 5 and AW for all battle groups is our plan. Our AW tier is 5 and we ended up in gold 2 last season due to players not waiting to participate in AW and only running 1 or 2 groups. Eventually, Map 6 will be an option, however before re-introducing Map 6, we need to find new members.

We don’t required any minimum event scores, all members should contribute without having minimum scores hanging over their heads. Donations will be the standard for map 5 x 5/battle group (75k in gold and 5k in loyalty per person). All communication is handled via the Line App.

If you are interested in a merger or if you have a few solid players who would be interested in joining, please contact: tharsheblows via the line app or you can contact me directly via this posting. My ingame id is: steelnpens

Happy to entertain any merger or any individual(s) looking to join.
Please reach out if you have any questions.


  • SciArtistSciArtist Member Posts: 56
    How many are left?
  • ReeseReese Member Posts: 48
    We down to 18 players, and we expect a few more to leave. Good news, we are currently in talks with a few groups. Are you interested?
  • ArkhamAngelArkhamAngel Member Posts: 34
    Were going down to 15 find me on line Arkhamangel. Think might be great fit.
  • ReeseReese Member Posts: 48
    Hello Arkham. I’m just added you as a line friend. Let me know when you are available.
  • SciArtistSciArtist Member Posts: 56
    Reese said:

    We down to 18 players, and we expect a few more to leave. Good news, we are currently in talks with a few groups. Are you interested?

    At the moment we can absorb 8
    Check us out in game Conclave X.

    What’s yours?
  • ReeseReese Member Posts: 48
    Sorry. Other way around. We want to keep our alliance active.
  • SciArtistSciArtist Member Posts: 56
    Okay mate... Goodluck.
  • ReeseReese Member Posts: 48
    Thank too.
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