Hit a stump...do I suck at the game?

So I recently completed my first run of act 4 with a full set of 4* 4/40s but now I can’t seem to progress. I’ve tried master eq and it seems insanely difficulty after chapter 1. Act 5 is out of the question, and so is act 4 100%. I just find all those too challenging, so isn’t there something I should be doing or do I just suck? Kinda feels like I’m just being forced to buy revives tbh
On a side note, if it’s the sym spidey you’re stuck on just wait out the evade timer and I’m unsure if he has the languor node in Master but if he does, don’t parry at the start. You need to take a few blocked hits or intercept him otherwise transducer will reduce your power to 0 and kill you
I found the Master level EQ pretty rough .. and was struggling with Act 5.
Fast forward a few months ... I am now uncollected, clear Master EQ easily ... and 1 run on Uncollected with "difficulty" ... but doable.
Just be patient .. the biggest mistake people make in this game is the "I WANT IT NOW" mentality ... take a breath ... enjoy the game .. don't worry about not being able to clear certain content (yet) .. it'll come in time ..
I'd suggest chip at way at 100% Act 4 then you'll find starting Act 5 or doing Master much easier.
You'll find a new 'intense' and 'endurance' level of play once you've done it.
If you really wanna grow fast, then go into an alliance that does AW like silver 2 and Aw map 4 and 5, so you can farm many rank up items and 4 and 5 star shards. This way your roster grows and your Champions get ranked up! Plus you can do act 4 100% meanwhile focussing on aw and aq.
So another time, now concluded:
Join a silver 2/1 alliance with map 4 aq and at least 2 bgs aw. Use ur best champs there!
Use ur other champs to farm the iso from act 4
This way you get champs (Aw and Alliance Event quests) which you can rank up (AQ and Act 4)