And in best case also with Omega Red I am stuck there too, i just diecided to completly ignore that chapter until i got my next r4 5 star (venom) and then i will FINALLY beat the heck out of These ******* Champions, sons of a ***** ***** champs who suck **** Okay enough I just wanted to say that i already tried this chaptrer 25 times, and the farest i got was until the electro raid..... So really far away....
I am stuck there too, i just diecided to completly ignore that chapter until i got my next r4 5 star (venom) and then i will FINALLY beat the heck out of These ******* Champions, sons of a ***** ***** champs who suck ****
Okay enough
I just wanted to say that i already tried this chaptrer 25 times, and the farest i got was until the electro raid..... So really far away....
I did the PESSIMISTIC and OPTIMISTIC path, and I'm at the classic Iron Man fight. I still have all my champions, and some units.
I'm just taking my time, patience, focus and take my time during fights.