Are there any 4*s in my roster that I should max out, instead of taking same class 5*s to R3...?

Hi everyone,
As per the title, are there any 4*s in my roster that you believe I should take immediately to 5/50, instead of taking same class champs to R3...? Please comment away.
Thanks for any input!~
Class: Science
4* Cap IW 4/40 - max sig
4* Wasp 4/40 - duped
4* Quake 4/40 - duped
5* She-Hulk R2
5* Modok R2
Class: Cosmic
4* Medusa 4/40 - duped
4* Proxima 4/40 - duped
5* Captain Marvel (Movie) R2
5* Hyperion R2
Class: Tech
4* Ghost 4/40
4* Doctor Octopus 4/40 - max sig
5* Green Goblin R2
5* Vulture R2
As per the title, are there any 4*s in my roster that you believe I should take immediately to 5/50, instead of taking same class champs to R3...? Please comment away.
Thanks for any input!~
Class: Science
4* Cap IW 4/40 - max sig
4* Wasp 4/40 - duped
4* Quake 4/40 - duped
5* She-Hulk R2
5* Modok R2
Class: Cosmic
4* Medusa 4/40 - duped
4* Proxima 4/40 - duped
5* Captain Marvel (Movie) R2
5* Hyperion R2
Class: Tech
4* Ghost 4/40
4* Doctor Octopus 4/40 - max sig
5* Green Goblin R2
5* Vulture R2
Cosmic: Rank Up Hyperion AND MarvMov to r3 and i wish you the best to get a cosmic gem for MarvMov! Rank Up medusa last! Dont rank up Proxima unless you really like her.
Science: Rank 4 She Hulk asap! Shes worthy. Rank up Cap IW to r5 hes really sick at max sig!!! Rank 5 Quake if you Can Quake really good. If you would give youre quake gameplay a rarting below 7 out of ten, then you should learn her first! Rank Wasp to r5 if you plan to goghost a lot, then a r5 wasp woul be a nice bous. Rank 3 Modok if you wanna have a really good Defender for AW.