New aw maps sucks

We all know mcoc is a pay to win game, but the new aw maps are ridiculous. With the bugs and the new nodes, teams in the highest tiers will make less points than lower teams. Except if they use a shitload of potions. Try to keep the game fun for everyone, even for people who don’t pay.
Everyone has issues with the new maps and nodes.
There were quite a lot of posts about the difference in difficulty on here and reddit, from a variety of groups in the top tiers showing the difference. I know Kabam had said a while back they didn't want a guarantee of groups always finishing the maps, and maybe the win to loss ratio is the same because of this but that doesn't make the increase in difficulty less true.
We went from having 7 wins in a row to finish the season 2 cycles ago, to last season losing the first 6 wars in a row. They did some adjusting to the nodes and difficulty when they saw this, which was nice. But overall, if the suggestion is that it's somehow comparable in difficulty to the seasons before it, I think anyone in a competitive tier could show you actual proof this isn't true. We have friends and communicate with other similar alliances (even those we have faced off against) and they've said the same thing. If this wasn't the case, you wouldn't have seen so many groups switch their priority to Alliance Quest and even recruit on that. There's a ton of posts even on here you can see where people in the higher groups decided to change to guaranteed rewards for AQ and let war fall where it may. I know we stopped using items for war unless it was super close last season, and we continued to do so this season.
Maybe OP can provide some specific examples for nodes he thinks aren't fair or overtuned, I personally hate psychic thorns even though I have a symbiote supreme who can handle it. But I had to rank him up because I didn't have anyone on my normal attack team who could deal with that node, even after it was tuned down. I'm interested to see where groups fall after this season with the new rewards/tier breakdown - we finished in platinum 3 the last three seasons, i'm just sharing our experience and those we faced off against who struggled as well. If we're looking at just the kill ratio for defense, there was absolutely a shift in difficulty.
I have issues with the new map and nodes because some of the weaker players in my ally generally don’t have rosters deep enough to cover the permutations they are likely to face so it gets really expensive for them or they die early in the map.
The knock on effect is the burden placed on the stronger players who are having to take the toughest paths, the early section mini bosses, then 2-3 of the final section mini bosses and the boss.
Massive increase in difficulty and expense vs mediocre increase in rewards.
That sounds a lot like "no one is having issues with it" to me dude. Pretty dismissive of a comment, but i'm not gonna argue semantics with you since you're backtracking now.
And it's honestly really hard to believe that if you were locked into tier 4 on the off season that you "won every single fight" in the off season. Every single fight? No one died fighting the boss? You guys all one shot every single fight for 2 weeks? If groups were tanking their maps I could maybe believe that, or not placing defenders that they normally used in war...look, i've played this game for over 4 years now, I don't think there's ever been a war we didn't have at least one death on our side whether it was the off season or not.
But back to the first part...maybe the OP should have said "a lot of people" instead of "everyone" but it doesn't make it less true. I'm speaking from experience in tier 3 and platinum level for multiple seasons, gold 1 before that since they introduced war seasons in the first place. The difficulty has increased overall. Its a little hard to take you at faith when you're claiming something that I haven't heard from literally anyone in your tier or mine, on any platform where people discuss this.
Back to the OP tho, since I can guarantee we're not gonna agree on a single thing here: @Hellmutmut is there a specific node you're having trouble with? what tier are you guys?
Also when I said every single "fight", I was talking about the wars themselves, that should have been clear by me prefacing it with "my alliance went from having on off streaks" but I could have been clearer.
And yes saying "everyone" is less true than "a lot of people", 100% is not the same as 0-99.9%
Also who said the difficulty has not increased? You seem to do a lot of assuming in your post, you should stop that, dont make up arguments from other people, this is known as a strawman fallacy..
As for the OP I have been trying to get him to state his issues from the beginning, but he does not want to.
I got tired of running path 5 and having to listen to someone that ran path 1 make a comment if I didn't solo 29. Now I feel the harder fights are far more evenly spread across the map at least.
Beyond semantics and your use of %'s incessantly, what exactly was your point then? That not everyone is having these issues? Ok, weird flex because I also agreed the OP should have used better words or said "a lot of people," which in my and many others experience is still true. But your replies still seem to be indicating that the difficulty hasn't changed or increased compared to previous seasons before these changes in the last two. Is that what you are sticking with?
Does not matter if you find something "hard to believe", it is true none the less.
In your statement you stating 100% instead of !100% (everyone vs alot) is the same (not less correct). They are opposites, and I have issues when people missrepresent what other people state. I would recommend cracking up some basic logic books because saying, I, me, my friend, my guild, what ever is not having issues with the new map does not indicate that the difficulty did not increase, just that it did not increase to the point where we are having issues with it.
You seem stuck on trying to prove your point with weird math flexes, yet it's hard to take what you are saying at face value when you claim something I have literally not seen from anyone else in a similar group on any platform for game discussion.
Anyway, since this is going nowhere and you seem to just want to argue, I would still love to hear from @Hellmutmut on what exactly they are getting stuck on, as that would be more productive than this conversation.
Also you not seeing something is antecdotal, stop assuming you know everything.
Guys in my alliance seem to die a whole lot quicker and more often in season 10 than in seasons 1-9. Technically I don't "know" them, and only a few have mentioned "new map sucks" but no one had explicitly stated "i am having problems with the new map." So yeah! Despite a precipitous drop in AW participation, season scoring, war rankings and general interest in our mere Intermediate Level 10 map, No One I Know Is Having Difficulty With The New Map.
There is one person here assuming they know everything, i've seen it from you on thread after thread in this forum, and I think the disagrees would show this as well.
As much as my comment is anecdotal to you, I referred to many others actually showing evidence of their experience in the new war map since the changes took effect last season. So far, you have provided anecdotal experience that your alliance or those you mentioned aren't having issues, and claimed you didn't lose one war during the off season. You still didn't address that part either. Were the groups you faced bringing in easy defenders and throwing those wars? If you were locked into the same tier you were in during the season, and you guys didn't win every war then, what exactly changed when the off season started?
There is inferring, then there reading into things that are not there. You are doing the second. I infered 100% is the same as everyone, because those are the same things. You inferred that because I was not having problems then I am saying the difficulty level had not been adjusted upwards. Those are not the same.
I cannot help how you infer things, that is on you not me unless I did something to cause that inference. In this case I did not.
As for disagrees that is not a measure of accuracy in any way, it is a popularity contest. I have been wrong, and I have admitted the times I have seen I was wrong.
how am I supposed to know if they are throwing their easier defenders? we saw the same types of defenders as last war, less diversity trying to take advantage of new tactics. The off season is not an accurate representation of what the competitive nature of the war season will be, but then again I was not the one who brought it up as one.
So what did you mean? Are you now saying that the difficulty did increase and more people are having issues? You came out before giving examples to show it didn't, as I and others read it. So if that wasn't your purpose what was?
And it's pretty easy to look at the opposing team and see if they have placed weaker defenders and brought weaker attackers than compared to a normal matchup during the season. At least for anyone who has played this game for a good amount of time, you can immediately tell if it's a bunch of rank 3 five star champs or throwaway 6 star champs, you can look at the mini bosses and see how difficult of a defender they are, you can look at the team's profile and see if any of their shown champs are in that war or not...does your team not do that? I mean, there's got to be a logical reason why you guys ended in the tier and season rank you did, got locked into the off season and suddenly won every single war during it, right?
It's pretty disingenuous to say "No, they actually do not, I dont, no one in my tier 4 guild is, Squishy seems to not be" and then turn around and gaslight, saying that you weren't inferring the difficulty wasn't the issue and it was the OP's issue instead that was the problem. Come on man, we weren't all born yesterday. You doublespeak better than most politicians i've seen, I'll give you that. The simple fact that you made those statements and still haven't said whether you think the difficulty has changed compared with past seasons would tell us this much. And now you're gonna say you really had no idea why you guys won a streak of every war during the off season? LOL you were so sure that the OP was at fault here, but suddenly have no knowledge why your situation would end up that way, it's a little hard to believe.
The champions I fought were not rank 3 5*s, they were rank 4 and 5 r*s and rank 1 and 2 6*s.
As for your disingenuous accusation, my statement was 100% accurate. Again you are infering things that are not there. That is on you, not me. There was nothing disingenuous about it. I cannot control what you read into everything because I cannot be so litteral as to cover every single possibility that you may try to infer. It is impossible. Again, before this post I have stated it multiple times, so please stop stating falsehoods.