Which 5* champ should I take to Rank 4???

HotFondue1520HotFondue1520 Member Posts: 157
For current content I'm about 65% done with Act 5, completed the first quest in Varient 2, havent started Varient 1, and I have both Quake and Domino in my AWD.

Which 5* champ should I take to Rank 4??? 27 votes

Domino (unduped)
Osfan8Duke_SilverCharlie_SceneWoogieboogieMattstafariLoctiteSuperGluelukakaXN0nameXEtjamaLanfearPresticlesgp87Thicco_ModeBenQcSlayerCtfz35EarthEliteChubsWhiteOneAboveAll13 18 votes
Quake sig 100
Eugene_VirtuosoJuggerNotAleorphil56201MasterChief1176_K13ran_Skinnyfatboy82GinjabredMonstaLeon91 9 votes


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