LF 3BG 5x5 AQ focussed alliance

Took a break from alliance events for the last couple of months. Looking to get back into the thick of things. Looking for at minimum, a 3BG 5x5 (100% daily clearance rate) ally.Pretty chill on AW, so will fall in with whatever the alliance plan is for AW.

> Current prestige is 7,352, but can bump it up to 7,701 immediately if required (holding out for a possible better rank up).
> 2x 5/65 5* champs
> 8x 4/55 5* champs
> 5x 1/25 6* champs

*in case it matters, my time zone is GMT +2


  • Unk0wn_S0ldierUnk0wn_S0ldier Member Posts: 53
    line id is Unkn0wn_S0ldier (o's are zeros)
    IGN is the same
  • ChefgrinchChefgrinch Member Posts: 49
    Found ya in game but not on line app.
    My line id is chefgrinch442

    You’d be a great fit with us
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