LF Alliance. 300k HR Uncollected.

I'm looking for a Alliance that does AQ and AW. Preferably UK/ Europe but don't mind if your other.
In Game Username: EPIK PANDAZZ
Line ID: schjones
Message me on these as I'll get notifications and see them over this forum post.

In Game Username: EPIK PANDAZZ
Line ID: schjones
Message me on these as I'll get notifications and see them over this forum post.

There will be 1 spot available in the alliance and they are seeking an experienced vet to join them. Below is the ad that I had been using to recruit. Please check it out. If you are interested, you can contact me in-game (gladiator2014) or on Telegram (@gladiator2014). Telegram would be faster to reach me as I may not log into the game for day or days. Or you can search in-game for the alliance tag, [1Dos3] and friend one of the officers or leader.
Hello. Our alliance (currently full) will have 1 spot available. We are looking for a player to join us that is active, friendly, and of course, a team player that have a similar outlook as we do about the game. The preference is for a veteran player. Our alliance is a chill, middle tier, and relaxed alliance with no drama. We have teammates primarily from the USA, but also from Europe, Asia, and Australia. Our lives outside this game, such as family, school, and work takes priority! Despite time zone differences, we get along very well and accomplish our goals of having fun but also help each other get resources by doing our part in the events as best as we can because we communicate. It's very much like a family here.
Our alliance is organized, active, AND AQ focused. This means, AQ is one of the most important events and will not be compromised by war. War is non-mandatory and its optional participation is for those that are available and shown interest in war. However, if you do sign up for war, you must be available to fight during the offensive phase. If something important comes up and you become unavailable, please let the team know and our war strategist/officer will communicate the revised war strategy with our teammates for the best possible outcome.
For AQ, we play it 5 days a week, in 3 BGs. We complete all 3 BGs 100%. BG 1 plays this schedule: 5-4-4-4-4, while BG 2 plays 4-4-4-4-3, and BG 3 plays 4-4-3-3-3. Collectively, we surpass PEAK milestone #21 and earn over 80 M points each week. We are ranked in the 2801 - 3500 bracket. These are the total weekly rewards that you would get from AQ participation in our alliance (combined daily, peak, and ranked rewards):
-Map 6 Crystal x 1
-Map 5 Crystal x 10
-Map 4 Crystal x 10
-Map 3 Crystal x 4
-T4BC fragments x 5400
-T4CC fragment Crystal x 11
-85,050 gold
-24,335 battlechips
-GLORY x 3250
-T2AC fragments x 2000
-Greater Glory Crystal x 4
-Glory Crystal x 1
-T4BC (full) x 1
Currently, there are NO donations requested. If this policy changes, the donations will be minimal, to cover the costs to initiate more Map 5s, 6s, etc. Right now, there is enough in the treasury to play at their current schedule for the next 1-2 years.
For war, it's normally a 1-BG war in our alliance for those interested teammates. It can be multi-battlegroup wars too. It just depends on who are available to play. Typically, we have 3 wars each week. There is no stress. We don't require the use of potions or revives. We just do the best that we can to help each other. There are assigned routes for war. For War Season 8, 9, and 10, were ranked in Silver 2 bracket for each season. So, if war is your passion and is of high priority, this alliance will NOT fit what you seek!
We participate in weekly SA. We typically surpass the 600K mark each week for SA with a weekly average of 670K. We sometimes surpass 750K. Our high is 877K points and low is 566K. With the other alliance events (the 3-day events), we continue to reach the last milestones consistently for ALL of them, so you will get good rewards with us. There are NO event minimums.
We use Telegram as our communication app. This is required.
If you are interested in our alliance or have additional questions, please look for me in-game. My IGN is gladiator2014. You can also find me on Telegram as my username is the same: @gladiator2014. Please don't forget to use the @ in front of my name in the search box of the Telegram app or you won't find me.