Tier 3 catalyst quests - basic and class

Jlf2nJlf2n Member Posts: 34
Why are these no longer giving catalyst? It's beyond frustrating to complete both paths and not even get enough shards to form even a single tier 3 catalyst only to be offered some for sale at the end for an extremely over priced amount of 400 units. If you guys want to sell them just put them in the store. Wasting precious quest energy is very frustrating.

At the very least change the reward picture to shards and stop showing something that is rarely rewarded.


  • spidergwen12345spidergwen12345 Member Posts: 19
    I dont remeber when was the last time i had to do t3 class quest. I always have to sell them. If you do the daily challenges that would give you a tons of t3cc shards.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I most often get a full catalyst and sometimes one from chest as well.
  • CA2HICA2HI Member Posts: 19
    I 100% agree w/ you and so do a lot of my alliance members. It takes 3 energy for 1 move and you can't even complete 1 t3cc from 100% completion and it wasn't like that before. I really hope someone can address that??? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Spice #ThanksForYourHelp
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    I skipped June's monthly event quest and just concentrated on the daily class catalyst.

    The drops rates was poor for T3 class events.
    I still could not accumulate full class catalyst after running each class 4 times (once a week).

  • DramioneDramione Member Posts: 76
    My Leader and I had to 100% Mystic Proving Grounds for three weeks to get 3 T2 Mystics to rank up Dr Strange. It's not just T3. Then you're offered 2 for 150 units. It is beyond ridiculous.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    I decided to screenshots the class catalyst with units offer.

    Need to check whether collection is complete. ;)
  • CA2HICA2HI Member Posts: 19
    When I asked if the Kabam team could look into T3/T2CC I didn't mean for them to turn around and offer some ridiculous 500 unit deal.
  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
    CA2HI wrote: »
    When I asked if the Kabam team could look into T3/T2CC I didn't mean for them to turn around and offer some ridiculous 500 unit deal.

    priceless.... :D:D:D:D
  • Jlf2nJlf2n Member Posts: 34
    It only recently started happening to me but try it for yourself if you don't believe me. Out of my last five or so 100% completion runs two of them didn't even give me enough shards for a single T3 and two other runs game me 1.
  • Victor_okVictor_ok Member Posts: 2
    three weeks in a row doing the map and I still couldn't complete one single catalyst, it's ridiculous
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    That is bad drop rates. I try to run through all 3 tiers daily class quest and also sell the lower class to gain frags for the higher ones.

    Actually I try to hunt for the mastery cores. Obtained two of them today.

  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    They are making everything time consuming and pay to win now soon to play the event quest we would need to pay 1 million gold... oops no no kabam sorry dont actually do it you power hungry foolssss.
  • Victor_okVictor_ok Member Posts: 2
    You have to spend almost 100 points of energy to complete 100% of the map and be "rewarded" with just 625 fragments. That means you have to do this every week for more than a month just to get a full catalyst.
    But, of course, you also have the choice to spend 400(!!!!!) units and buy two catalysts every time you complete the map.
    Seriously, I've been playing this game for almost three years and never complained about any updates no matter how stupid they are, but this is too much...
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43
    U know we can just farm them just by doing proving grounds it's an event quest
  • ItsMeRavenItsMeRaven Member Posts: 43
    It's what we are supposed to do so i never recall ever having to use units to get T3 Catalysts so I don't really what this talk is about not trying to be rude I'm just confused really
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Your best chance for a full cat is the chest on the hard run. I find I have better luck getting one from that chest if I do the easy run first. You can keep running the hard side until the chest drops one though. I find it drops at about a 25% rate that way.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    You don't get a full catalyst full completion if you're talking about the class catalyst daily which I assume you are. You just have to get lucky on the hard path and pull a full one. I have about 7 t3cc crystals saved up because I'm maxed out in 3 classes so. I use wasting them
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    Is it possible to pull two different class catalyst?
    I had this happened once and wondering why.
  • CA2HICA2HI Member Posts: 19
    Still waiting for anyone to help shed some light. Thanks! @Kabam Miike @MCOC Team @Kabam Wolf @kabam
  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 ★★
    agreed, trying to get a class specific catalyst is ridiculous. If you 100% complete any section you should be guaranteed a catalyst of that tier.
  • KingLouie6889KingLouie6889 Member Posts: 2
    I have done the t3 mutant daily for 4 weeks now and have not been rewarded with a single full t3 mutant catalyst. With the game bringing in 6 stars, I don't see how it can be bad that they up the rewards for t1-t3 catalyst dailys. I mean, you still have to sell 200 t3 to make 1 t4...
  • Undyingsword646Undyingsword646 Member Posts: 6
    i have been trying to get just one t3 cosmic catalysts for the past 5 weeks, but i can't get a single one cause the damn rewards are so low. you need to fix this.
  • BlaargoBlaargo Member Posts: 246
    Your best chance for a full cat is the chest on the hard run. I find I have better luck getting one from that chest if I do the easy run first. You can keep running the hard side until the chest drops one though. I find it drops at about a 25% rate that way.

    It drops about 16.67 or every 1 in 6.I redo the paths several times.
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    This game is outrightly stupid...first you gamble to obtain a certain champ...and if by chance you get them...your going to have to wait forever to rank them up as resources are not easily given by kabam and then the AI keeps getting more unrealistic...

    They want you to literally pay through your bloody noses
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