Tier 3 catalyst quests - basic and class

Why are these no longer giving catalyst? It's beyond frustrating to complete both paths and not even get enough shards to form even a single tier 3 catalyst only to be offered some for sale at the end for an extremely over priced amount of 400 units. If you guys want to sell them just put them in the store. Wasting precious quest energy is very frustrating.
At the very least change the reward picture to shards and stop showing something that is rarely rewarded.
At the very least change the reward picture to shards and stop showing something that is rarely rewarded.
Tier 3 basic catalyst quest gives you one if you 100% complete it. I did it this morning and got one.
The drops rates was poor for T3 class events.
I still could not accumulate full class catalyst after running each class 4 times (once a week).
Need to check whether collection is complete.
Actually I try to hunt for the mastery cores. Obtained two of them today.
But, of course, you also have the choice to spend 400(!!!!!) units and buy two catalysts every time you complete the map.
Seriously, I've been playing this game for almost three years and never complained about any updates no matter how stupid they are, but this is too much...
I had this happened once and wondering why.
It drops about 16.67 or every 1 in 6.I redo the paths several times.
They want you to literally pay through your bloody noses