5* Nebula, is she good?

TortoigTortoig Member Posts: 33
Hey, guys,
I just pulled 5* from my Huntress crystal. Is she good?? Should I take her to rank 4? Is she able to go through LoL easy path?

Thanks for suggestions and tip :wink:


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Nah she's not bad but not great either, she is good for her bleed and poison immunity so she's good for AQ but her damage output is pretty low. To get really good damage she needs to hold block for a long time to build shock charges and thats leaves you open for a ton of block damage so for quests and AQ events where the opponents have crazy high attack her even taking 2 or 3 block hits will take off 20%+ health. It also takes a long time to build up so even though her shock bursts a crazy amount of damage in the time it takes to build up any above average damage champion can do equal if not more damage in that time. Her regen barely ever kicks in the comparison the community makes is she is a watered down version of ultron. Definitely not a LOL option you can't afford to take any blocked hits in there and in order for her to deal even decent damage she needs to take quite a few blocked hits. I would maybe rank her up to rank 3 for AQ and occasional bleed and poison matchups where you need immunity but other than that she is pretty mediocre
  • TortoigTortoig Member Posts: 33
    Sungj wrote: »

    Thank you for your insight! Just thinking about rank 3 and then wait for better option
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    I like Nebula
    She has some cool tricks, like Cable, but she's not a must-have champ
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    I beg to differ. Shes one of my faves. Theres a video of her doing 11,000 PER TICK in shock damage against ROL WS. And that was just the 4*. I have yet to get herto that point myself, but i see the potential. Also shes one of the most fun champs to play with imo.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,941 ★★★★★
    She's great. Better for long Fights. Build 40 Charges, and her Shock demolishes.
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    I beg to differ. Shes one of my faves. Theres a video of her doing 11,000 PER TICK in shock damage against ROL WS. And that was just the 4*. I have yet to get herto that point myself, but i see the potential. Also shes one of the most fun champs to play with imo.

    She is fun to play but not useful to get you through end game stuff
  • TortoigTortoig Member Posts: 33
    OK after some testing I can say that she is decent for AQ, questing in general and ROL fights. On the other hand She is bad for LoL because her damage output depends so much on blocking and they just dont let you stack 20 charges and double them.
  • RbvojtikRbvojtik Member Posts: 113
    She takes too much block damage as it is. I saw the RoL fight against WS, and the shock damage was impressive; however she had almost no health at the end of the fight. Plus, I think its only a matter of time before Kabam re-introduces armor and block penetration (still in the game, its just set to 0).

    Her healing requires she take a serious hit. The one thing I think she really has are immunities.
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