Ebony Maw is too week

I hope that you thik for some upgrades to Ebony. I was happy to got it but then i tried to fight with (r3 duped). Hi hitting like a dead meduz, and his degen is strong as well. Power steel ability better don't ask (comparing to magik or even dormamu) . Nulyfy and buff steal far behind morning star abilities.
Little idea how improve it. Instead of degenerate for signature ability -buff/status inversion ability. When opponent get armor transform it on armor break, furry on weeknes, regen on degen, power gain on power leak, true strike on concussion, unstoppable on stun, undesructlible on minor aspect of death etc.
Or unless make his degen hitting more than 40 hp/s lol.
Little idea how improve it. Instead of degenerate for signature ability -buff/status inversion ability. When opponent get armor transform it on armor break, furry on weeknes, regen on degen, power gain on power leak, true strike on concussion, unstoppable on stun, undesructlible on minor aspect of death etc.
Or unless make his degen hitting more than 40 hp/s lol.
One question regarding the deteriorations : what is their utility for a maw unduped ? I can see the arriving but as far as i know they are only useful if Maw has been duped no ?