Are masteries locked in during AW defense placement?

If someone is running full suicides, and takes them off before placement, places their defense, and then puts suicides back on, will their defensive champs be affected with suicides during war or not?
If mods can confirm this that would be great.
If mods can confirm this that would be great.
Don't get me wrong: it seems very logical that they are locked after placement.
Testing in a quest seems pointless, since as far as I know nothing is locked in quests.
You're right, maybe Pi number is locked, but the actual masteries change. Can a mod confirm this please?
its always been my understanding that the defense is locked with masteries used at the time of placement. changing them after has no affect.
Yes, but official confirmation would be great as well.
Also I have duled some champs to see what masteries they have only to be surprised they don't match in the AW.
And finally I think mods have confirmed this in another way by saying the game takes a snap shot of your champs and abilities when you lock them into the AW and AQ so they won't change when you change your champs abilities in some way, for example when duping champs, giving sig stones, or changing masteries.
Side note: Synergies are NOT applicable for your defenders at all. Were they ever?