Summoner Sigil

Soldierjr24Soldierjr24 Member Posts: 64
I just bought, i meam renew my Sigil......
Do i have to wait 7 days for use some stuff on my black iso market as well to get my 100k gold on deadpool's quest?


  • CarossyCarossy Member Posts: 1,547 ★★★
    Yes you have to, but if you complete acts, I mean if you become Contender, Challenger, or Uncollected, the time resets, tho that's only if you're beginner, it's like Glory points, you have to wait til the time resets.
  • Soldierjr24Soldierjr24 Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2019
    I'm Uncollected tho, the free trial end tomorrow i think, so that's why i was curious, cause i renew it and says 6 d 20 H not 1 d i guess
  • CarossyCarossy Member Posts: 1,547 ★★★
    Well, the trial ends tomorrow, but the timer to exchange shards and other things, yes, you have to wait til expires, as I said before, like glory shop.
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