An outrageous inquiry!!
Member Posts: 57
Was just wondering - has anyone ever (or known someone who has) ever r5'd a She-Hulk??
I am just curious as to what she hits like at that level
I am just curious as to what she hits like at that level
No one is green with envy.
That's not what I'm asking
I'm asking for personal experience of having her at 5/50 or feedback from people who knows someone that has her there
That alone should tell you that it'll be a long wait before anyone can answer your question properly.
Stuns are nice and she is poison immune.
Haven't got 4/5* so I can't compare at higher level content.
If you like using her, rank her. There's not many science champs worth it anyway.
This I wanna hear from anyone who has experience with her at a higher level - cause I'm curious about her
Plus she is poison immune, I ran AQ with her too.
Ranked down though when we got rank down tickets.
Also what does RNG means exactly?
I r5d her during the nerf for duels then ranked her back down. It was kind of comical.