Incinerate and Other Immunity

IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
It used to be that champions were only immune to bleed and poison... but now that Iceman is incinerate immune and Vulture has some incinerate resistance, does that open the doors to some other champions being reworked to add extra immunities?

It makes no sense, for example, that Ghost Rider and Dormammu to suffer incinerate damage. They're always on fire anyway. And why can Ghost Rider be poisoned? He doesn't have a circulatory system.

On that subject why isn't Wolverine poison immune? He should at least have some resistance to it.

And Groot? He's quite vulnerable to poison. What kind of poison is he being poisoned with? Dutch Elm disease? Seems like he should also be immune to shock since I doubt that he is a good conducter of electricity. Electro ought to be as well.

How about making Dormammu immune to Coldsnap? There are probably other examples that would make sense, as well.

Not saying that these changes are necessarily needed or would be a good thing... but in a game with such (sometimes) attention to detail... like making Iceman incinerate immune, and making DareDevil immune to the effects of Hood's invisibility... it seems less like a design choice and more like an oversight.


  • RazzRazz Member Posts: 13
    I remember in the movies Iron man was shocked with thors Lightning and it said "power at 400%" and ye, didnt hurt him just made him better! maybe lightning gives him health I guess? lol idk shock immunity or resistance. But yeah I agree with everything you said.
  • NonuNonu Member Posts: 28
    I think Iceman should be immune to Coldsnap in a mirror match as well.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Well, hold on.. a couple things to point out.

    First, a lot of this is for gameplay reasons. If certain champions were just randomly immune to all sorts of stuff fights would take forever. So, yes Iceman not being frostbite/coldsnap immune is a little odd, but why would you want a mirror match between them to last ages because they barely do any damage?

    The other point to make here is that you aren't making accurate comparisons on some of those champions.

    Dormammu is technically some sort of dimensional entity, and who knows if he can poisoned or incinerated or whatever. He's mostly just made out of energy. Also, again, for game play reasons have to draw the line somewhere. In the actual canon he would be pretty much immune to everything.

    Wolverine sometimes burns off poisons faster, but has also been shown to hurt is regeneration factor by being poisoned as well, so I wouldn't call them out on that one.

    Groot does have a built in reduced debuff duration that reflects his resistance to various effects, and plants can be poisoned (although dutch elm disease is a virus).

    So, cut Kabaam some slack. There are a few strange ones, but they've overall been pretty good about giving people immunities or debuff reductions. There are only a handful of characters in the whole game that some people might question, and for the most part people still can't 100% agree on that either. At the end of the day it's more for game balance than being 100% accurate.
  • KingOfMcocKingOfMcoc Member Posts: 102
    Daredevil should be poison immune, don't forget radiation made him the way he is
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    I think we need to start leaving the topic of logical and comic based abilities transferring to the game alone. Yes it makes no sense iceman is effected by coldsnap or ghost rider can be incinerated but you know what makes less sense than that, hawkeye blocking a punch from the collector or thanos. It is a game and all characters are interpretations to make some sort of balance in game. While it would be good to see champion immunities change when such illogicals exist like gods fighting humans and inaccuracies like hulk not having regen exist and can't be changed for the sake of game balance I don't think we can expect immunities to change either.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    I'm not trying to be hard on Kabam I understand the gameplay argument. But as I said... in a game with such sometimes minute attention to detail (like DareDevil vs Hood), it seems more like oversight than design.

    Re: Hawkeye blocking a punch by Thanos... well....

    my understanding of the story in the game (which I stopped reading around the middle of Act 2.. OY! They've got some TERRIBLE writers on staff), and the comics which the Battle Realm is loosely based on, is that the ISO-8 powers up all of the characters making them all super strong and durable so... that's why they're essentially on a level playing field. I don't know what exactly ISO-8 is and they do a pretty piss poor job of explaining it, but, long story short: let's just assume it's some kind of magical or metaphsyical substance that makes your muscles more powerful, your skin and bones stronger, your swords sharper, your gunpowder more explosive, etc etc.
    In the comics it says the Grandmaster's champion was Punisher, and somehow they were able to defeat the Collector and his champion which was Maestro. It also says the ISO-8 is a byproduct of creation itself. I guess it's powerful. But whatever the point is that somehow the Punisher, a normal non-powered human being in the regular Marvel universe, while in the Battle Realm was able to take on Maestro, a super smart version of the Hulk.

    So... even if it doesn't make much sense (and hey, comics rarely do), it's at least consistent with the comics and within the context of the story it is not inconsistent. They actually picked a pretty perfect comic story to adapt into a fighting game from that standpoint.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    I read over the synopsis again and I think I got it wrong, Punisher didn't defeat Maestro they conspired to work together... but whatever the point is these two characters were somehow operating on the same level.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Also Red Hulk… Incinerate should increase his Scorch and Frostbite/Cold snap should lower it
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Sungj wrote: »
    I think we need to start leaving the topic of logical and comic based abilities transferring to the game alone. Yes it makes no sense iceman is effected by coldsnap or ghost rider can be incinerated but you know what makes less sense than that, hawkeye blocking a punch from the collector or thanos. It is a game and all characters are interpretations to make some sort of balance in game. While it would be good to see champion immunities change when such illogicals exist like gods fighting humans and inaccuracies like hulk not having regen exist and can't be changed for the sake of game balance I don't think we can expect immunities to change either.

    I agree with this but some basic concepts shouldn't be ignored. For example, why can't Angela and psylocke cause bleed when their basic attacks are swords?

    I think a lot of it has to do with balance and new features that affect all champions across the board. I totally agree that cosmic being like dorm and GR really don't need to be questioned. However basic fundamentals like sharp objects causing bleed, robotic humanoids being poison immune and such are just basic common sense and lacking foresight.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★

    I agree with this but some basic concepts shouldn't be ignored. For example, why can't Angela and psylocke cause bleed when their basic attacks are swords?

    I think a lot of it has to do with balance and new features that affect all champions across the board. I totally agree that cosmic being like dorm and GR really don't need to be questioned. However basic fundamentals like sharp objects causing bleed, robotic humanoids being poison immune and such are just basic common sense and lacking foresight.

    The reason I don't think angela and psylocke need bleed is because they are already amazing champs without it. Yes it doesn't make much sense that they don't even though they attack with swords but again I think its all about balance. Angela is a god tier attacker with some of the best damage in game and psylocke is a utility god, so bleed would push angela over the god tier to perhaps overpowered on damage and psylocke has less damage to equalize her utility so bleed would give her too much damage compared to her utility. Utility champs like GR , dorm and vision naturally have less damage output. If all champs were based off their comic book counter parts or based of their animations storm and electro should shock on specials, iron men should incinerate on specials, hulk should regen,etc. It would be too much and most of the time unnessecary for the champions.
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