Rank 5 Corvus or wait to R5 another?

Corvus is my go to for AQ and AW - but my alliance only does AQ5 and is silver 3. My focus is act 6, LOl and both Variants.

Rank 5 Corvus or wait to R5 another? 12 votes

R5 Corvus (sig 40)
ChampioncriticFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSpoonmanaron2 3 votes
R5 Ghost (sig 40, 5 star Wasp, Hood, and Ant-man)
AsukiraSquishyjrThe_4THLainuaH3t3r 4 votes
R5 Domino (sig 20, 6 star RH and 5 star duped Massacre)
EinfachSo 1 vote
R5 CA IW (sig 160)
ArcDeAngelusBatman1903 2 votes
R5 AEgon (sig 199)
Stark78Alfa 1 vote
R5 Omega Red (sig 145)
Wait to invest in a 6 star
Savio444 1 vote


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    R5 Corvus (sig 40)
    I still stand by corvus as my go to for every champ aside from havok, mr sinister and mystic champs.
  • StarlordisWickedStarlordisWicked Member Posts: 295
    Oh. And I forgot to mention that I currently have only one rank 5 five-star: Hyperion (sig 120).
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