4* Basic Arena Efficient Grind (for arena grinders out there)

pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
Hi guys,

Sorry for the novel here but hopefully you can help. I'm a progressive player with a mixed roster of 5*'s and 4*'s and I'm looking into strategies, and the "ideal" roster to have to save up some of my grind time but still collect the same rewards.

At the moment I can build up a streak in this arena easily. Once there I have 60 4* usable champs (>R2). However, this grind is very time consuming and unfortunately I can't commit to this anymore. Although I have 60 champs, currently I play with 5xR5 and 11xR4 = 15 4* champs. I.e.: I log in, 5 fights, logout, 2 or more late, rinse and repeat. Although I have several playable R2/R3, they just give you back so little points for the time spent fighting with them. I find it more efficient (but might be wrong) and less exhausting, to login in several times p/day and play my R4's/R5's rather than login less but play for longer with the whole R2/R3/R4/R5 team

With the above in mind, my goal is to still have a life outside the game and a) Still keep doing all milestones (150M) as quicker possible, but often I dob) go for the champs (The ones I don't have and even old ones for the 5*shards - I keep an eye on cutoffs). Few questions:
  1. 1. How many arena playable 4*s you have on your rosters when you grind this arena?
  2. 2. With 1. in mind, how many points can you achieve in one single run (no cool down)?
  3. 3. Is there a "magic number" of champs I should be aiming for? (note that 4*s R4 don't have a place in any other game content on my account and Arenas would be the only purpose)
  4. 4. Do you think is more wise to just spend more time with lower ranked R2/R3's and save resource VS Rank up to R4 and save some time but loose the 4tbc? How about in a longer-term?

Note: My R4/R5 4*s have also utility/a place in 4* 5* featured arenas since I'm able to use them once I build the streak (as long as my team is in total >12KPI wich most my R4 4*s fit). While you might question that in those arenas 4*s are not efficient (I agree) I'm keen to use them for now instead of 5*s because a) rank them up quicker and b) 4*s up to R4 doesn't require 4TCC which is a resource I need to save for my 5*s (my arena 5*s go up to level 2 - no 4tcc). So what I'm trying to highlight on this note, is that although this post is specific for the 4* basic arena, I'm looking at it as a longer term strategy as well on a later thinking these champs will still be usable/useful when I have a more solid 5* roster and I'm grinding the 4*/5* featured champs instead. .

Sorry for the long post, if you read this far please drop some thoughts on this would be amazing as I'm chickening out here and struggling to make a decision of whether to waste resource.

Thanks a lot in advance ;)


  • Bigg_DoggBigg_Dogg Member Posts: 128
    Tldr: get 15 maxed out 4 stars.
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2019
    Thanks @Bigg_Dogg I guess that's a no brainer, the more maxed out 4*s the better. I was hopping to understand how fast you can grind all milestones with that set up? Also.. not sure if you read, but I didn't want to use 4tcc hence the R4 conversation instead and questioning hoe many I'd need to get the same results.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    tldr stands for "too long, didn't read" so no he didn't read it.
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2019
    Gotcha.. thanks @Wubbie075 that's new to me.

    Wondering why comment at all and wasting mine/his time. I did gave a heads up in the beginning of the post to alert it was long thus not for everyone/the impatient folks. I just think detail although boring/long is more likely help others in similar situation and avoid questions back and forth for full context.

    It's sort of frustrating to be a non-English native speaker and make all this effort/detail , only to get this sort of feedback. Was just hoping to get something more substantial. Yay MCOC community! But hey, it is what it is, I should know better... Internet... forums.... people... and the XXI century impatient culture. I'll figure out by myself :)

    Cheers and thanks
  • Dfs01Dfs01 Member Posts: 6
    I'm in same boat as yourself don't even bother with R3 4*. And it would be a waste to max 4* just for arena. I just do little and often, that's usually enough to get to about 1.6 mill just for the shards, but if not, rewards usually ok when over a mill.
    Also grind 5* just to 1 mill also for shards. But that's a doddle at 25-30k per fight.
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    @Dfs01 indeed exactly the same! I also grind those 1M of the 5* featured. Easiest 5* shards in the game ;)

    But yeah, I don't think I want to be spending on 4*s at this stage just for that single purpose - was just daydreaming of covering all milestones in one/two or three tops logins and wondering if there's any math behind it.

    Cheers - thanks for the feedback
  • Edgecrusher_13Edgecrusher_13 Member Posts: 53
    I find to get best efficiency I run my bottom 4 start champs until I hit max multiplier, and then I run from top down, not using anything under R3 once I have hit the 3x multiplier.

    I have more than 100 4* champs now, but it was easily viable with 6-8 teams, just meant I was grinding for shorter burst more often.

    I generally stop at 1.5k now, as I'm not desperate for new 4 stars.

    I use the same technique to get a start on the higher arenas, before throwing 5 stars in at the 3x mark.
  • PanbohPanboh Member Posts: 72
    Got 99% of 4* at r3 or above, using r4 to get to 3x multi and then just r5. Hit around 250k in single run 3-4x/day in about 30min. 23 maxed 4* atm

    Focusing mostly on 4* featured, which consumes a lot more time...
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    Makes sense @Edgecrusher_13 that's where I am at the moment in terms of goals in this arena.: Mostly hit the 1.5K and will only push if a champ is missing on my roster and/or I have some extra time. How much runs you need at the moment to hit 1.5K with your rooster?

    @panboh I guess the 23 maxed out 4* takes you wherever you want ;) How many rounds approximately you need to get to 1.5K with them?

    I'm trying to figure if worth wasting resource to R4 a few more champs and make this efficient or continue using R3 and save resource. Not sure between the difference of points between R3/R4.. to be honest, I don't see substantial dif p/game but I guess it does add up! I'm even playing against the teams with higher PI to get that wee edge. Thoughts?
  • Rolo_maxRolo_max Member Posts: 57
    I have none of my 4* at rank 5, 30 at rank 4, 9 at rank 3, 7 at rank 2 and 58 at rank 1. I use my rank 1 to get the 3x multiplier and get me like 70k points, then I run rank 2, 3 and 4, if I don't loose any fight and have a good rng I can easily score like 450k in just 1 run, then taking only rank 3 and rank 4 makes me like 230k each run, if I run all rank2, 3 and 4 I can get like 300K (a little bit less or more), Usually I do like twice a day and stop at 1.5 mill if I have time, if im really busy only hit the rank rewards divides in 2 or 3 times with my rank 4s.

    I don't spend in ranking 5 my 4*, I have a small rooster of 5* (19) and I have only 1 rank 4, 7 at rank 3 and the rest in rank 1. I don't run suicides just glass canon no recoil
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    Thanks for all the detail @Rolo_max - makes sense! I'm also more focused on my 5*'s and definitely will not be ranking them higher than R4 (4tb is not as hard these days but 4tc is not even an option to waste).

    So all in all and after some maths, at the moment with my 6 R5's + 12 R4's (building the streak aside), I log in and do exactly 6 rounds. It gets me around 250k. Thus to hit the 1.5M milestone, I need roughly about 6 runs.

    I guess my conclusion is that for doing everything in a single with R4's I'd need about 108 R4 champs LOL .. unreasonable! However, 36 champs (108/3) and achieve the milestones in 3 runs sounds something more achievable and to look forward to in a long run. Maybe 4*s are not dead just yet ;) Thanks all for the feedback.
  • PanbohPanboh Member Posts: 72

    Makes sense @Edgecrusher_13 that's where I am at the moment in terms of goals in this arena.: Mostly hit the 1.5K and will only push if a champ is missing on my roster and/or I have some extra time. How much runs you need at the moment to hit 1.5K with your rooster?

    @panboh I guess the 23 maxed out 4* takes you wherever you want ;) How many rounds approximately you need to get to 1.5K with them?

    I'm trying to figure if worth wasting resource to R4 a few more champs and make this efficient or continue using R3 and save resource. Not sure between the difference of points between R3/R4.. to be honest, I don't see substantial dif p/game but I guess it does add up! I'm even playing against the teams with higher PI to get that wee edge. Thoughts?

    Aprox 33. I get with my masteries 13-15k per fight with r5 4*. A r4 one makes around 10k so you do the math...
  • pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2019
    Gotcha, makes sense. Seems like I need be looking at the average p/champ - thanks for the eye-opening reference!

    I can get about 10k pts with a 4/40 if I go for the "harder" teams (the one in the bottom with higher PI). Thus, would need 150 champs for a single run, or 75 for two, etc.

    I've now came up with a more realistic goal here to aim for: 30 4/40 Champs and 5 rounds of 10 fights.

    If anyone stumbles upon this post and/or is interested, here's the maths:

    30 4*/R4 champs (~10k fight) X 10 fights = 300M pts (p/round) x 5 rounds = 1.5M Pts
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