4* Basic Arena Efficient Grind (for arena grinders out there)

Hi guys,
Sorry for the novel here but hopefully you can help. I'm a progressive player with a mixed roster of 5*'s and 4*'s and I'm looking into strategies, and the "ideal" roster to have to save up some of my grind time but still collect the same rewards.
At the moment I can build up a streak in this arena easily. Once there I have 60 4* usable champs (>R2). However, this grind is very time consuming and unfortunately I can't commit to this anymore. Although I have 60 champs, currently I play with 5xR5 and 11xR4 = 15 4* champs. I.e.: I log in, 5 fights, logout, 2 or more late, rinse and repeat. Although I have several playable R2/R3, they just give you back so little points for the time spent fighting with them. I find it more efficient (but might be wrong) and less exhausting, to login in several times p/day and play my R4's/R5's rather than login less but play for longer with the whole R2/R3/R4/R5 team
With the above in mind, my goal is to still have a life outside the game and a) Still keep doing all milestones (150M) as quicker possible, but often I dob) go for the champs (The ones I don't have and even old ones for the 5*shards - I keep an eye on cutoffs). Few questions:
Note: My R4/R5 4*s have also utility/a place in 4* 5* featured arenas since I'm able to use them once I build the streak (as long as my team is in total >12KPI wich most my R4 4*s fit). While you might question that in those arenas 4*s are not efficient (I agree) I'm keen to use them for now instead of 5*s because a) rank them up quicker and b) 4*s up to R4 doesn't require 4TCC which is a resource I need to save for my 5*s (my arena 5*s go up to level 2 - no 4tcc). So what I'm trying to highlight on this note, is that although this post is specific for the 4* basic arena, I'm looking at it as a longer term strategy as well on a later thinking these champs will still be usable/useful when I have a more solid 5* roster and I'm grinding the 4*/5* featured champs instead. .
Sorry for the long post, if you read this far please drop some thoughts on this would be amazing as I'm chickening out here and struggling to make a decision of whether to waste resource.
Thanks a lot in advance
Sorry for the novel here but hopefully you can help. I'm a progressive player with a mixed roster of 5*'s and 4*'s and I'm looking into strategies, and the "ideal" roster to have to save up some of my grind time but still collect the same rewards.
At the moment I can build up a streak in this arena easily. Once there I have 60 4* usable champs (>R2). However, this grind is very time consuming and unfortunately I can't commit to this anymore. Although I have 60 champs, currently I play with 5xR5 and 11xR4 = 15 4* champs. I.e.: I log in, 5 fights, logout, 2 or more late, rinse and repeat. Although I have several playable R2/R3, they just give you back so little points for the time spent fighting with them. I find it more efficient (but might be wrong) and less exhausting, to login in several times p/day and play my R4's/R5's rather than login less but play for longer with the whole R2/R3/R4/R5 team
With the above in mind, my goal is to still have a life outside the game and a) Still keep doing all milestones (150M) as quicker possible, but often I dob) go for the champs (The ones I don't have and even old ones for the 5*shards - I keep an eye on cutoffs). Few questions:
- 1. How many arena playable 4*s you have on your rosters when you grind this arena?
- 2. With 1. in mind, how many points can you achieve in one single run (no cool down)?
- 3. Is there a "magic number" of champs I should be aiming for? (note that 4*s R4 don't have a place in any other game content on my account and Arenas would be the only purpose)
- 4. Do you think is more wise to just spend more time with lower ranked R2/R3's and save resource VS Rank up to R4 and save some time but loose the 4tbc? How about in a longer-term?
Note: My R4/R5 4*s have also utility/a place in 4* 5* featured arenas since I'm able to use them once I build the streak (as long as my team is in total >12KPI wich most my R4 4*s fit). While you might question that in those arenas 4*s are not efficient (I agree) I'm keen to use them for now instead of 5*s because a) rank them up quicker and b) 4*s up to R4 doesn't require 4TCC which is a resource I need to save for my 5*s (my arena 5*s go up to level 2 - no 4tcc). So what I'm trying to highlight on this note, is that although this post is specific for the 4* basic arena, I'm looking at it as a longer term strategy as well on a later thinking these champs will still be usable/useful when I have a more solid 5* roster and I'm grinding the 4*/5* featured champs instead. .
Sorry for the long post, if you read this far please drop some thoughts on this would be amazing as I'm chickening out here and struggling to make a decision of whether to waste resource.
Thanks a lot in advance

Wondering why comment at all and wasting mine/his time. I did gave a heads up in the beginning of the post to alert it was long thus not for everyone/the impatient folks. I just think detail although boring/long is more likely help others in similar situation and avoid questions back and forth for full context.
It's sort of frustrating to be a non-English native speaker and make all this effort/detail , only to get this sort of feedback. Was just hoping to get something more substantial. Yay MCOC community! But hey, it is what it is, I should know better... Internet... forums.... people... and the XXI century impatient culture. I'll figure out by myself
Cheers and thanks
Also grind 5* just to 1 mill also for shards. But that's a doddle at 25-30k per fight.
But yeah, I don't think I want to be spending on 4*s at this stage just for that single purpose - was just daydreaming of covering all milestones in one/two or three tops logins and wondering if there's any math behind it.
Cheers - thanks for the feedback
I have more than 100 4* champs now, but it was easily viable with 6-8 teams, just meant I was grinding for shorter burst more often.
I generally stop at 1.5k now, as I'm not desperate for new 4 stars.
I use the same technique to get a start on the higher arenas, before throwing 5 stars in at the 3x mark.
Focusing mostly on 4* featured, which consumes a lot more time...
@panboh I guess the 23 maxed out 4* takes you wherever you want
I'm trying to figure if worth wasting resource to R4 a few more champs and make this efficient or continue using R3 and save resource. Not sure between the difference of points between R3/R4.. to be honest, I don't see substantial dif p/game but I guess it does add up! I'm even playing against the teams with higher PI to get that wee edge. Thoughts?
I don't spend in ranking 5 my 4*, I have a small rooster of 5* (19) and I have only 1 rank 4, 7 at rank 3 and the rest in rank 1. I don't run suicides just glass canon no recoil
So all in all and after some maths, at the moment with my 6 R5's + 12 R4's (building the streak aside), I log in and do exactly 6 rounds. It gets me around 250k. Thus to hit the 1.5M milestone, I need roughly about 6 runs.
I guess my conclusion is that for doing everything in a single with R4's I'd need about 108 R4 champs LOL .. unreasonable! However, 36 champs (108/3) and achieve the milestones in 3 runs sounds something more achievable and to look forward to in a long run. Maybe 4*s are not dead just yet
I can get about 10k pts with a 4/40 if I go for the "harder" teams (the one in the bottom with higher PI). Thus, would need 150 champs for a single run, or 75 for two, etc.
I've now came up with a more realistic goal here to aim for: 30 4/40 Champs and 5 rounds of 10 fights.
If anyone stumbles upon this post and/or is interested, here's the maths:
30 4*/R4 champs (~10k fight) X 10 fights = 300M pts (p/round) x 5 rounds = 1.5M Pts