Will Champion of the Universe list be updated?
With more champions (and some of them being godly) being released, I really do hope the Champion of the Universe lists gets updated otherwise the Champion is just going to get phased out.
The mods were conspicuously quiet on the subject...
I also think that The Collector, Thanos, and Champion himself should be there. Although that last one would be based on ego, rather than evidence.
Out of the contect, it would be a rework of an ability. People would get mad and demand Rank down tickets
I wish I never r5 him now. What waste
That being said, the game does not go off seatins tier list, just their own, and they roughly consider champs pretty similar, a least that is what they said, with some exception (the current list.)
and tbh we need more champions classified as the "The Contest's Greatest Fighters" because we get a lot of good champions now and if more champions don't get the tag, then The Champion and possible future characters with this mechanic will be affected
Cyclops: Allow me to introduce overselves