il tell u all my characters ironman iw cap iw spidey stark agon Archangel sabertooth modok domino gullatine rouge cyclops crossbones redhulk night thraser iceman vulture
there ur wrong. recover all pts from defense and grind 6 stony core use it on petrify and parry iam at summoner lvl 33 and can still beat the sh#t outta that top champs are dh caiw domino cable all 4 star and angela as r2 5star. also upgrade ur sparky, aegon and red hulk atleast to r2-3
With 22 Mastery points, you're setup would be best as follows: 1 in Strength 9 in Greater Strength 3 in Courage 1 in Vitality 1 in Greater Vitality 4 in Block Proficiency 2 in Parry 1 in Limber This is, until you get mastery cores for Dexterity, Stupefy ( I think you need cores for it, but I forget), Max out Parry, Pierce (for Precision and Cruelty), Precision, Cruelty, Salve, Recovery and Glass Cannon.
As far as Champs go, Sparky is someone you should definitely pour resources into. Ægon should be ranked up and awakened with the gem we're getting from Summoner Appreciation. Red Hulk is also a great option. But definitely focus on them more than anything else. Rogue, Crossbones and Guillotine are very helpful in certain situations, but I wouldn't invest too much in them. Vulture may be worth it, just for synergies with Sparky. 3 stars are going to become obsolete for you very soon, so I wouldn't do much with them. That being said, Domino, Gwenpool and Iceman could be very useful for you.
Now with Thanos, you should be able to do it with those champs easily. He usually likes to do 2 hits and a heavy, just watch for that pattern and go in for a combo as soon as he's done. You're combos should be Medium, Triple Light, Medium for maximum damage output. Learning how to parry well before you start the fight will help a ton. Otherwise, your best option might be to hold block to draw out a heavy attack, and dash back as soon as you see it, and go back in for a combo. That's all I've got, hope it helps.
Then definetely rank him up as soon as possible. I'd still give Sparky priority though with the content you're working on right now. Also, I do like helping people progress. Do you have a good alliance? Cause we'd be happy to have you. What's your full in-game name?
then we can help
ironman iw cap iw spidey stark agon Archangel sabertooth modok domino gullatine rouge cyclops crossbones redhulk night thraser iceman vulture
based on what you got so far ..
I'm thinking you best champs are:
Stark Spidey
Cap IW
You have a nice roster .. but not sure what *'s those are.
any of those as 3* or up are capable of 1 shotting thanos .. so again, it would help to see what you got, and what level you have them at
Otherwise .. if you have that roster, and still can't tackle him .. I'd recommand:
wait ... and practice elsewhere ... you just need time to improve your skills . .;)
1 in Strength
9 in Greater Strength
3 in Courage
1 in Vitality
1 in Greater Vitality
4 in Block Proficiency
2 in Parry
1 in Limber
This is, until you get mastery cores for Dexterity, Stupefy ( I think you need cores for it, but I forget), Max out Parry, Pierce (for Precision and Cruelty), Precision, Cruelty, Salve, Recovery and Glass Cannon.
As far as Champs go, Sparky is someone you should definitely pour resources into. Ægon should be ranked up and awakened with the gem we're getting from Summoner Appreciation. Red Hulk is also a great option. But definitely focus on them more than anything else. Rogue, Crossbones and Guillotine are very helpful in certain situations, but I wouldn't invest too much in them. Vulture may be worth it, just for synergies with Sparky. 3 stars are going to become obsolete for you very soon, so I wouldn't do much with them. That being said, Domino, Gwenpool and Iceman could be very useful for you.
Now with Thanos, you should be able to do it with those champs easily. He usually likes to do 2 hits and a heavy, just watch for that pattern and go in for a combo as soon as he's done. You're combos should be Medium, Triple Light, Medium for maximum damage output. Learning how to parry well before you start the fight will help a ton. Otherwise, your best option might be to hold block to draw out a heavy attack, and dash back as soon as you see it, and go back in for a combo. That's all I've got, hope it helps.