9k+ prestige member needed! Top 250 aq plat4

Top 250 aq alli gold 1 last season but will place platinum 4 this season with the right player.
Must communicate well, have line app and clear aq map 6 (1bg will run 2 days map 7 once alli is stable enough). We want top 150 or lower once we get the ball rolling!
All and all must be active and have fun!
All timezones welcome also!
Any further queries please add via line:-
ID - jessie_gym
Must communicate well, have line app and clear aq map 6 (1bg will run 2 days map 7 once alli is stable enough). We want top 150 or lower once we get the ball rolling!
All and all must be active and have fun!
All timezones welcome also!
Any further queries please add via line:-
ID - jessie_gym