Empowered Immunity + Masochism bug

There seems to be a bug between the 2 nodes listed in the title. In Uncollected EQ, Warlock has these nodes and he’s gaining power every time he shrugs off a debuff through Masochism. This is surely either a bug or a lacking description, since if he’s immune to a debuff, there wouldn’t be a debuff to trigger Masochism and if there’s a debuff to trigger Masochism, he wouldn’t be immune to said debuff and therefore shouldn’t gain power through Empowered Immunity. The 2 nodes should be mutually exclusive.
Here’s a video as proof
Secondary bug: Empowered Immunity should only grant 30% of a bar of power every time it triggers, yet Warlock gains a full bar of power after triggering Empowered Immunity 3 times without gaining power any other way.
Here’s a video as proof
Secondary bug: Empowered Immunity should only grant 30% of a bar of power every time it triggers, yet Warlock gains a full bar of power after triggering Empowered Immunity 3 times without gaining power any other way.