Empowered Immunity + Masochism bug

There seems to be a bug between the 2 nodes listed in the title. In Uncollected EQ, Warlock has these nodes and he’s gaining power every time he shrugs off a debuff through Masochism. This is surely either a bug or a lacking description, since if he’s immune to a debuff, there wouldn’t be a debuff to trigger Masochism and if there’s a debuff to trigger Masochism, he wouldn’t be immune to said debuff and therefore shouldn’t gain power through Empowered Immunity. The 2 nodes should be mutually exclusive.
Here’s a video as proof
Secondary bug: Empowered Immunity should only grant 30% of a bar of power every time it triggers, yet Warlock gains a full bar of power after triggering Empowered Immunity 3 times without gaining power any other way.


  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★

    There seems to be a bug between the 2 nodes listed in the title. In Uncollected EQ, Warlock has these nodes and he’s gaining power every time he shrugs off a debuff through Masochism. This is surely either a bug or a lacking description, since if he’s immune to a debuff, there wouldn’t be a debuff to trigger Masochism and if there’s a debuff to trigger Masochism, he wouldn’t be immune to said debuff and therefore shouldn’t gain power through Empowered Immunity. The 2 nodes should be mutually exclusive.
    Here’s a video as proof
    Secondary bug: Empowered Immunity should only grant 30% of a bar of power every time it triggers, yet Warlock gains a full bar of power after triggering Empowered Immunity 3 times without gaining power any other way.

    Whoever creates the event quest every month dont bother to run tests to see if the difficulty level is suitable for us. They slap on nodes that are op that make a champ even more op despite them being op and just move on to another assignment or whatever the hell they do there
  • TheGreatCatsbyTheGreatCatsby Member Posts: 7
    Well, this EQ isn’t particularly difficult, I’m just pointing out a bug making it slightly less easy.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    There seems to be a bug between the 2 nodes listed in the title. In Uncollected EQ, Warlock has these nodes and he’s gaining power every time he shrugs off a debuff through Masochism. This is surely either a bug or a lacking description, since if he’s immune to a debuff, there wouldn’t be a debuff to trigger Masochism and if there’s a debuff to trigger Masochism, he wouldn’t be immune to said debuff and therefore shouldn’t gain power through Empowered Immunity. The 2 nodes should be mutually exclusive.
    Here’s a video as proof
    Secondary bug: Empowered Immunity should only grant 30% of a bar of power every time it triggers, yet Warlock gains a full bar of power after triggering Empowered Immunity 3 times without gaining power any other way.

    Whoever creates the event quest every month dont bother to run tests to see if the difficulty level is suitable for us. They slap on nodes that are op that make a champ even more op despite them being op and just move on to another assignment or whatever the hell they do there
    sutible for "us", dont speak for "us". This difficulty was pretty easy. Easier than most in the past. There are tons of ways around it, intercept, bait heavy for starters.
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