Help on Becoming Uncollected

I have been playing MCOC for a while and am at Level 55. I have been wanting to do Act 5 to become uncollected but don't know if I am ready. My top champs are 5 star Rank 3 Stark Spidey, 4 star Rank 5 Duped Mephisto, Hyperion, SW, Luke Cage, Wolverine. I have a Rank 4 Duped Star Lord and Venom also a Rank 3 5 star BP classic. Is this enough to compete uncollected???
If u ready to spend more unit its ok
Play ROL Some fights and collect some health potions. also play arena n collect units for backup purpose...
Good Luck & Have Fun 👍🏻
Following link will help you to explore act 5 in future -