2mil. Rated Growing Alliance Recruiting Members!

Hello and good day to you all! My alliance is called The Champions of Light (Tag: CLX.0) and we are looking for active high rated summoners to join. The requirements are to participate in all events, Alliance War, and Alliance Quests. Everyone must be active and help others when needed. Line is also required for a better organization, as each individual is to be placed in a specific battlegroup in AW and AQ. Although we are almost rated 2mil. have about 450 war points, we still rapidly grow and receive high rank rewards in events (ex. Rank 3 in Summoner Advancement). If you happen to be interested in joining, please attempt contacting me in-game (gamertag: Roi Lumiére), on Line (ID: roilumiere) or just email me at kingsparklez50@gmail.com. I hope we are able to grow even better in the future. Thank you for your cooperation.