Symbiote Supreme vs thing to r5

GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
Hey guys, I just opened a poll asking if symbiote Supreme is r5 worthy and most people say yes.

Now I didn't have any other champ and I just pulled thing as a 5 stars, given the fact that I have resources to r5 one champ, who should it be now?

My other R5 are ghost dominó fury and cap iw
Both are unduped

Symbiote Supreme vs thing to r5 16 votes

DrZolaSpeedbumpBadabibidonZzzMCoC_fan10or_StrongSupermanafficinadoMiStaLovaSquishyjrThe_4TH 9 votes
Symbiote Supreme
belli300HairyslugFhfjghhggggjfhfjgG2DKEtjamaAlphA101Rd0310 7 votes


  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    Still SS.. he’s very handy
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