Experiencing multiple issues

I'm experiencing multiple issues during the game (mainly in AQ):
- dashing forwards and backwards non-responsive
- enemies ignoring GR's heavy attack and just punching/charging straight through the chains swinging
- enemy dash distances changing (ultron gained an extra few feet in distance making him unavoidable when backing off)
- general lagginess of my champs, not responding, having to click on SP buttons multiple times to register, not registering block etc.
- extremely improbable chances of buffs not triggering occurring. I have noticed this mostly with Wolverine. For example, Wolverine has a 14% chance to trigger regeneration on all attacks. So as a decimal, this is 0.14. In stats, we use the + operator when calculating 'or' probabilities so:
0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 = 1.12 (or 112% chance of regeneration occurring in every 8 attacks). It is extremely unlikely that you don't trigger regen in 8 hits and yet it happens to me repeatedly (and yes, this is against champs who do not affect buff triggering abilities too).
I have experienced this issues on both an iPhone 6s and an iPad Pro 9.7inch. I'm not sure if these are bugs, or this is the way in which Kabam are trying to increase difficulty?!
I need to dig out my video capture card so I can start recording these issues (such as increased dash distances) as it just seems completely unfair.
Can anyone shed some light on these issues?
I'm experiencing multiple issues during the game (mainly in AQ):
- dashing forwards and backwards non-responsive
- enemies ignoring GR's heavy attack and just punching/charging straight through the chains swinging
- enemy dash distances changing (ultron gained an extra few feet in distance making him unavoidable when backing off)
- general lagginess of my champs, not responding, having to click on SP buttons multiple times to register, not registering block etc.
- extremely improbable chances of buffs not triggering occurring. I have noticed this mostly with Wolverine. For example, Wolverine has a 14% chance to trigger regeneration on all attacks. So as a decimal, this is 0.14. In stats, we use the + operator when calculating 'or' probabilities so:
0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 + 0.14 = 1.12 (or 112% chance of regeneration occurring in every 8 attacks). It is extremely unlikely that you don't trigger regen in 8 hits and yet it happens to me repeatedly (and yes, this is against champs who do not affect buff triggering abilities too).
I have experienced this issues on both an iPhone 6s and an iPad Pro 9.7inch. I'm not sure if these are bugs, or this is the way in which Kabam are trying to increase difficulty?!
I need to dig out my video capture card so I can start recording these issues (such as increased dash distances) as it just seems completely unfair.
Can anyone shed some light on these issues?
Ghost Rider is laughable now. Enemies constantly hit me during the middle of GR's heavy hit, completely ignoring it and not taking any damage.
Also I said, Kabam publishing percentages and stats for champs (i.e. X% to regen) is absolutely pointless as this all goes out of the window if you are on a final node and have only a couple of champs left. The AI of the opponent changes and the odds are completely stacked against you (buffs won't appear, blocks don't work and glitches like crazy) - bizarre huh, considering that you have to use revives/items which either cost money or a shed load of time to get :-/
And did you notice how the fight is totally normal AFTER you use items and go back in??? Fought Doc Oc today Master mode and go in with Thor, I couldn't block, parry intercept NOTHING worked and I got wrecked. Do a 40% revive and go back in and MAGICALLY everything I was doing before worked and I rolled him. Isn't that odd???
Yes! Always, after you used items, they are back to how they should be fighting - absolute con! If I hadn't invested so much time and cash into the game, I would have quit by now for how unfair it is.
The thing is, if they improved the gameplay and made it fair (i.e no cheating from Kabam like the above), there's other ways kabam could keep revenue high without making their entire customer base hate them!