Looking for weekly/biweekly t4cc alliance

Hey guys,

I'm looking for an alliance that does map6 and gets t4cc weekly or biweekly. I have slightly above 4.8k prestige and 350k rating. I'm ok with all donations and event minimums (including arenas as I'm close to hardcore grinder). Have done 5.1&5.2 100%, completed all special event challenges that came by, and am looking to doing first labyrinth run in a month or so. My only downside is aw defense which I'll get sorted soon as have catalysts to rank decent defenders. Can provide scores of last days of aq on high prestige. Can move asap... ( time zone is UK btw, but I stay on late and have always been in US based alliances)

Line: Robert_2002 IGN: robert2002r
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