Marvel’s 80th?
Here it indicates there’s supposed to be something in MCoC for the anniversary in August. Any announcements coming soon?
Here it indicates there’s supposed to be something in MCoC for the anniversary in August. Any announcements coming soon?
It's August now, just because you don't get the gem in August the calender still runs throughout the whole of August
All kind of players were benefited from that.
I pulled a 5*stark spidey & a ghost rider.
Back then I was at summoner level 40.
Currently at 59
I finished act 5 a week ago.
And that spidey so far is my mvp.
Helped me a lot. I don't have an attacking roster. So he was my one shot for many many quest. There was a moment i got absolutely stuck coz i didn't had good attack champs. And coz of a free to play account i thought may be i will retire.
But spidey changed a lot of equations.