Missing 3 months for 5th Anniversary WHAT TO EXPECT ??

-first I would like to make this post with your help a voice for game developers to understand our wishes and desire for the 5th anniversary
-First of all I say that my expectation is high, because not and whenever we celebrate 5 years in a game.
-I will use as comparison my experience in other console and mobile games and also with old birthdays of this game
-I believe events like birthdays, holidays dates related to marvel etc. They are a unique opportunity to cheer up the community and also show how the company cares about the players, even if it's not mandatory, the developers who care about their players do it.
-I believe that although there is a lot of criticism, there are also many compliments for kabam and I believe they will not let us down this year
-I will also consider that these special dates are also opportunities for the company to profit.


1)I think they should give at least one 4-star hero over the birthday for new accounts.
I say this to cheer up who is starting and also to bring back someone who wants to play again and is waiting for an opportunity.

2)Real Money Promotions: I understand which company needs to make money, but we know that most of the promotions that Kabam sends us are quite unfair until absurd is a minority of the time good deals come.

-So I suggest you create a $ 15 promotion that will be delivered to the non-collectible. ( ACT 5.2)
A 5 star crystal.
- For those who have done the act 6.1 a 10.000 frags 5 star
-- For those who are later in story mode, for the same price, get 3000,5000,6000 5-star fragments

-I know the price seems pretty cheap, but as I said it is a unique event that 5 years is a special date, only on the 10th anniversary will it be better and will we have it all?

-All unit promotions receive a reward bonus. Peter 135 +115 bonus = 250 , Star 275 + 225 bonus = 500 ,Tony 850 + 450 bonus = 1300 , Panther 1450+ 650 bonus = 2000 , Odin 3100+ 900 bonus = 4000
I know it does not seem so interesting to players, but we know that for those who usually spend such a promotion just motivates them to spend more.

3) Two investment event ( daily login event)
-The first player invests 1000 units and gets back 400 units and some items such as 4 and 5 star amplifier, 4 star and 5 star fragments, Gold and iso and catalyst frag
-The second player invests $ 6.99 the price of the peter wallet. And you receive logging prizes like: special birthday profile picture, Class iso, Frag 5 star and 4 star frag, Alpha frag, gold, potion, amplifiquer 10%
examples: 10x iso, total 1000 frag, 50k gold, 2x potion(each kind) AW.

4) Mission event:
-For example a very fun event to play was DeadPool with those very crazy nodes, an event similar to some opponent using different skin, a mini story, from some comic, with some protagonist or villain we met with bonus.
Rewards like:Frag crystal, Iso, Gold. Exp. (if you have an even better event crystal) fair according to event difficulty

5)Birthday arena (that replace normal arena during that week )
-Kind of arena that the award is to hit the goal
-stay in positions also of the awards as if it were normal arena (however the interesting rewards are only achieved in the goals)
suggested awards: Frag 5,4,3,Premium crystal.
Example in the 1,500,000 arena 4 star basic.
the 17k, 35k, 150k, 300k, 450k, 600k, 800k, 1kk, 1kk250, 1kk500 marks. you get instead of only premium fragments, get 3, 4.5 star fragments as per the milestone. (of course 4 and 5 star in smaller quantity type 75/100 )
-and in the last milestone, you win a 1 star or 2 star champion that doesn't exist only in this event. (each arena a different character)

6)Birthday gift:
-the gift could not miss. Is there better in our mail than free prizes?
-Summoner - 1x premium/1000 frag 3star/,5k gold,/ 10x 125 iso
- Contender - 2x premium, / 1x 3star,/ 10k gold,/ 15x 125 iso
- Proven - 3x premium,/ 1x 3star, /500 frag 4 star/, 15k gold/, 10x 525 iso
- Conqueror- 3x premium,/ 1x 3star, /1x 4 star/, 1000frag 5star, /20k gold,/ 10x 1300 iso
- Uncolleted- 4x premium,/ 1x 3 star,/ 1x 4star, /7000 frag 5 star/, 25k gold,/ 10x 3000 iso
- Cavalier- 5x premium,/ 1x 3 star,/ 1x 4 star,/ 10 000 frag 5 star, /500 frag 6 star/, 30k gold,/ 10x iso class.
could follow other smaller awards

7)crystal of choice
-I thought about it a lot, and I've seen many games that have system champions, heroes etc.
-This crystal is unique, could not be obtained twice or paying
-In it you would choose 10 champions of a certain date from 2018.
champions from 2015 to 2018
-And would be guaranteed to come to the player, one of the 10 chosen
-That would be unique, never before in the game, just like the unique date
-For each title a different crystal see:
Summoner and Contender = Choose you 3 star.
Proven and Conqueror = Choose you 4 star.
Uncolleted and Cavalier = Choose you 5 star.
-This crystal guarantee players a satisfaction in the crystal. To catch someone interesting whether to duplicate, increase duplication, or new that never had.

Final considerations

-These were the ideas I had, I tried not to overdo it by putting promotions to spend along with missions and arena to have effort along with free prizes.
-I avoided placing promotion to spend stored units because we still have Christmas New Year and New Year.
Soon there would be many things for an event
-Again I say it's 5 years. Not every game that lives up to this very active moment.


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  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited August 2019
    Don't expect anything, so the usual disappointment won't crush so hard.
  • AkhilxcxAkhilxcx Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Addyos said:

    Don't expect anything, so the usual disappointment won't crush so hard.

    exactly this
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 718 ★★★
    Addyos said:

    Don't expect anything, so the usual disappointment won't crush so hard.

    I disagree. Expect disappointment.

    At least you'll have the satisfaction of being right.
  • Parodical_Sun1Parodical_Sun1 Member Posts: 143
    This makes too much sense but then again common sense is far, few and in between sadly.
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