Which 4* rank 5 champ will help me to defeat the collector ? Please vote and write your own team.

NavneetNavneet Member Posts: 67

Which 4* rank 5 champ will help me to defeat the collector ? Please vote and write your own team. 30 votes

Lvernon15gforcefanZisunObaid_Jacob03Bettlejuice26 5 votes
Spider Gwen
Duke_SilverTivjyot 2 votes
Stark Spidey
NavneetAleorZombieZeddBlackJ4zzTony886RockypantherxX_Factor_Agentlukaka-sixate-GeorgiaDawgEtjamaMasterChief1176EarthEliteSkillful_starH3t3r 15 votes
K3600 1 vote
Suman_sahAWade420wilson69 2 votes
Omega red
Cap IW
CtuchikTimdwaStellan 3 votes
Cull obsidian
SecondSkrillerSpeedbump 2 votes


  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019
    Stark Spidey
    Sparky imo is the best possible option for The Collector.
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    edited August 2019
    Stark Spidey
    His damage isn't reliant on DOT which the collector is basically immune to. He has the assisted evade which is really valuable cause the collectors specials are very difficult to DeX. And he has very high damage which makes him a very good candidate.
    But I'd take corvus and capiw in as well,cause if you have a lot of level 1 revives and you can get all the missions done then corvus can be great. And there's a phase when the collector will start to periodically gain unstoppable so cap is really good for that. And capIW has great damage in general so he'll help you out. As well if you have DD at a sig 99 then I'd take him as well cause until a certain amount of time he'll fully evade all of the collectors specials.
  • MasterChief1176MasterChief1176 Member Posts: 213
    Stark Spidey
    Those evades can help you counter his second move
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Stark Spidey
    He is literally the best counter for him, if you're skilled with him it shouldn't take you more than 2 tries. Daredevil and Spider Gwen are great options too, take them as well. Finally, the last two people you should take are Cap IW and Corvus, Cap counters the unstoppable phase and Corvus is a beast
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Cull obsidian
    Haha just kiddin mate. Starky for the win!
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Spider Gwen
    I’m really surprised that no one is saying Spider Gwen. After her rework, she was built to destroy the collector. Her evade is better than Sparky’s once his specials are unblockable, she starts the fight with extra charges which means extra Attack with no ramp up necessary, her heavy attack slows him so he can’t go unstoppable when he’s low, and she can enervate him to sometimes throw in extra hits without risk of special attacks. She was a huge help when I had to fight the collector over and over when I went for Elder’s Bane.
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  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Stark Spidey

    I’m really surprised that no one is saying Spider Gwen. After her rework, she was built to destroy the collector. Her evade is better than Sparky’s once his specials are unblockable, she starts the fight with extra charges which means extra Attack with no ramp up necessary, her heavy attack slows him so he can’t go unstoppable when he’s low, and she can enervate him to sometimes throw in extra hits without risk of special attacks. She was a huge help when I had to fight the collector over and over when I went for Elder’s Bane.

    I would say she's the second best counter, as her damage can't match sparkys, and his EMP webshot is amazing at preventing SP3s.
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