Cap. Eventually you will awaken him and get his sig up. He’s worth the investment now imo. His damage isn’t reliant on his sig. just hit utility. So until that time you will still have a huge damage dealer with amazing block prof. I would rank him.
An r2 6* is a massive investment. So id only suggest r2ing a few really god tier 6*s such as ghost, domz and corvus Yes cap has amazing damage output but he needs high sig to be amazing. Venom the duck is awesome but i wouldnt even r5 him as a 5*
CapIW is my favorite champion in the game BUT there's no way I'd r2 him unawakened. He's great but not worth r2 when it could be years to dupe him, never mind get him to high sig.
Yes cap has amazing damage output but he needs high sig to be amazing. Venom the duck is awesome but i wouldnt even r5 him as a 5*