I was using her againt Sparky. She can hardly keep up 4 furies.
Well Sparky is size Small, so She-Hulk's furies aren't going to last as long, meaning it's harder to get those specials out regularly in time. Are you using the heavy spam tactic? She's got a quick enough heavy that you can spam it in the corner on an opponent with no special ready, making it much easier to get any opponent to their next special quickly. https://youtube.com/watch?v=dyzPzj4D24I here's a video by KT1 showing that tactic being used against LoL Star-Lord.
Thank you for the link. And yes i use the same heavy tactic. So basically She Hulk is good only against Large champions who dont belong to Skill class, right?
Thank you for the link. And yes i use the same heavy tactic. So basically She Hulk is good only against Large champions who dont belong to Skill class, right?
She’s really good against all champs minus skill ones For small opponents you just have to adjust her play style and avoid sp1 and too many combos(yes that’s a thing) in order to bait their special Power control with her is key
And are you taking her against Skill champs? Because against Skill, she can't refresh her furies.
Are you using the heavy spam tactic? She's got a quick enough heavy that you can spam it in the corner on an opponent with no special ready, making it much easier to get any opponent to their next special quickly.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dyzPzj4D24I here's a video by KT1 showing that tactic being used against LoL Star-Lord.