Stuck in an odd position...

Long story short, I'm stuck at 5.2.5 (Bane quest, The Hood, second last fight). I have no units, no health potions, no revives and all my champions are K.O.'ed. The only way I can get this done is grind out some units from Arena.
OR.... I can back out and do a fresh run with full boosts, but I'll have to fight Moon Knight, BPCW, King Groot again without using any health potions.
What should I do? Both ways look equally horrible, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
OR.... I can back out and do a fresh run with full boosts, but I'll have to fight Moon Knight, BPCW, King Groot again without using any health potions.
What should I do? Both ways look equally horrible, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!