Purchase with units

when You try and purchase a crystal with units can we get a second window that pops up and asks if we are sure we want to purchase this item? I hate spending units by accident thanks


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    If you buy a crystal by accident don’t open it and contact support, they refund crytals that aren’t open
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    simply add the option, I have done the same thing a few times and it's extremely annoying to have to contact support and wait for a reply to try to get your units back, I think the reason this option hasn't been added is Greed, lots of players just bite the bullet and accept their loss which is Kabams Gain, it's long Overdue to add the simple second pop up window
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