Thing v quake

MCoC_fanMCoC_fan Member Posts: 110
I have a five star rank two thing and quake both unduped and at rank 2 but I can only take one of them to rank 3.
Both of them are going to be used for attack only no defense (I already have thing and quake as four stars at rank 4 duped for defense(

Thing v quake 23 votes

Quake to rank 3
AhongEmil_LimsonphillgreenDarthPhalRaiserMathking13V1PER1987FhfjghhggggjfhfjgDankedaTheDuke899LoctiteSuperGlueEmperorLDragoFreeToPlay_21BabyMiikeMawrCalleachNightMonkeyFlame_ONN 17 votes
Thing to rank 3
abiew78Speedbumpgp87Legend_X95Skinnyfatboy82Deadpooliscool2019 6 votes
Wait it out possibly awaken 5* void


  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    They are both risky champs you should go thing for damage or quake for utility
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,442 ★★★★★
    depends on your skill level really

  • MCoC_fanMCoC_fan Member Posts: 110
    I'm a B+/A- quake player
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    MCoC_fan said:

    I'm a B+/A- quake player

    Then I'd lean more to quake then
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    If u know how to use quake, go to her. If not, go for thing. He got immunities btw
  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    I have quake at R4and I regret ranking her up. I'm very very good at playing with her but for me it's just boring.

    On the other side I just R4 thing and is awesome, I enjoy very much using him and as soon as I get some science catalyst I'd be r5ing him.

    So I think depends on who you enjoy using the most. Both are amazing champions but for me thing is way more fun. Plus inmunities, plus amazing war defender.

  • AhongAhong Member Posts: 21
    Quake to rank 3
    Quake best almost for every content and no need to depend for synergies.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Quake to rank 3
    Quake is great for most things.
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