Bug - Node 43 in AW

Mode: AW
Model: Samsung S9+
Version: Latest on both MCoC and Android
Node: 43, with 42 link still up
Defender: Sentinel R1/6*
Attacker: Hyperion R5/5*
Node 43 has Buffet on it, and the link from node 44 gives the node a second Buffet. Heavy attacks with Hyperion that resulted in multiple heavy triggers (up to 4 in one heavy) resulted in 4 immediate triggers of Buffet, back to back with no pause in between (aka gained ~40% health back instantly). This is an obvious bug as it should result in at most two triggers, but literally anytime a buff was applied, it immediately was nullified and the defender regen'd. The primary trigger is working, but my guess is the stacking Buffets resulted in the second one always being "active" and never on cooldown.
Model: Samsung S9+
Version: Latest on both MCoC and Android
Node: 43, with 42 link still up
Defender: Sentinel R1/6*
Attacker: Hyperion R5/5*
Node 43 has Buffet on it, and the link from node 44 gives the node a second Buffet. Heavy attacks with Hyperion that resulted in multiple heavy triggers (up to 4 in one heavy) resulted in 4 immediate triggers of Buffet, back to back with no pause in between (aka gained ~40% health back instantly). This is an obvious bug as it should result in at most two triggers, but literally anytime a buff was applied, it immediately was nullified and the defender regen'd. The primary trigger is working, but my guess is the stacking Buffets resulted in the second one always being "active" and never on cooldown.