Which mystic champ is better or who should I rank!!! vote/comment why

Ice_and_FireIce_and_Fire Member Posts: 220
edited August 2019 in Strategy and Tips

Yes I know that's not how you spell Dormammu but I like doing it that way.

Which mystic champ is better or who should I rank!!! vote/comment why 10 votes

Dr voodoo
BboychoboFR33_HUG5Manar198xspaceoctopusJoBoB1982Speedro420Ewell65SSS69TheWolfFenrirDeadpooliscool2019 9 votes
Suman_sahA 1 vote


  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Dr voodoo
    Voodoo. Spirit Venom destroys opponents that are loaded up with buffs. Starting a fight with a regen buff is not a bad thing either.
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