Is undupped 5* omega red worthy to rank 4

Bhargav__98Bhargav__98 Member Posts: 11
I have omega red,and dr.voodo both undupped worthy to rank 4 or need to wait untill dupp


    Omega Red is better the more of these he has: high signature, suicides, Sabretooth synergy. However, in my opinion, if you have none of those 3, I would not R4 him. He still is a very good champion: poison immune, almost bleed immune and can deal very well with Poison, Bleed, Biohazard and Caltrops nodes.

    About Dr. Voodoo, I would not R4 him unduped. But I am sure others will disagree.
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 125
    Omega red is a great champ to tackle 6.1.5 crossbones, so he's the best champ to take up in the long run, undoubtedly one of the best champs in the game
  • MikeyBoi69MikeyBoi69 Member Posts: 139
    I wouldnt rank either of them unduped
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