Ghost rider?

Just completed variant 3 and got a 2-3 and 3-4 mystic gem. Should I take my unawakened ghost rider straight to rank 4? I also have a blade, who I can take to r3, so does that give gr more value?
Blade gets more benefit with GR... you can never go wrong with it
I regularly use GR in my line up because he helps Blade so much with the villian synergy. I would definitely take GR up to R4 with the gem because he has some utility and would be more useful at R4.
The one thing I will say about him though, is that unawakened he does struggle a little bit with damage output. He kinda hits like a noodle without that fury boost. But imo his regen factor alone is enough to make up for it. He might take some getting used to, but if you don't mind fights that are a little longer you'll learn to love him too. And once he's awakened, then you're laughing.
You're hard pressed to find another Jack of all trades like GR. He's good in most any situation.