Should I go for cavilier?

I became uncollected a couple of weeks ago and I’ve just completed act 5 today. Do you think it’s worth pushing for act 6.1 completion or do you not think it’s possible with my current roster?


  • TheSaithTheSaith Member Posts: 647 ★★★
    You have pretty good roasters.. Aa, GR, Venom, Sentinel, Medusa, IMIW... All are pretty good.. Definitely go for it.. Just ra k em up
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 814 ★★★
    Wow you have good roster
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    edited September 2019
    I’d wait and go for Elder’ Bane first
  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54
    TheSaith said:

    You have pretty good roasters.. Aa, GR, Venom, Sentinel, Medusa, IMIW... All are pretty good.. Definitely go for it.. Just ra k em up

    I think I will thanks
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  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54

    Agree go for cavalier.
    Just for the 11k features!!!

    I’m f2p :(
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    It's possible, but you may want to rank up your 5* roster a bit more before you try. Medusa will be great for the ultron and sentinel bosses and omega red is one of the best options for the crossbones boss but I'd wait until you have at least one max 5* champ or at least 4 rank 4 5* champs or else the fights are gonna be really long and you're gonna end up using a lot more revives and potions. I got the Cavalier title yesterday, going through 6.1.2-6.1.6 all in one go and ended up using about 600 units. My roster was a rank 5 blade, rank 4 SS, rank 4 iceman, rank 4 AA, and rank 3 venom for every quest.

    I'm free to play as well so I saved up a bunch of units just in case so I'd recommend you do the same and maybe go for elder's bane first so that you can rank up your champions more. Good luck!
  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54
    DRTO said:

    It's possible, but you may want to rank up your 5* roster a bit more before you try. Medusa will be great for the ultron and sentinel bosses and omega red is one of the best options for the crossbones boss but I'd wait until you have at least one max 5* champ or at least 4 rank 4 5* champs or else the fights are gonna be really long and you're gonna end up using a lot more revives and potions. I got the Cavalier title yesterday, going through 6.1.2-6.1.6 all in one go and ended up using about 600 units. My roster was a rank 5 blade, rank 4 SS, rank 4 iceman, rank 4 AA, and rank 3 venom for every quest.

    I'm free to play as well so I saved up a bunch of units just in case so I'd recommend you do the same and maybe go for elder's bane first so that you can rank up your champions more. Good luck!

    Yeah I attempted 6.1.1 yesterday just to see what it’s like and I’ve come to this conclusion lol. I’m gonna have to get a stronger team. I might try again once I open my first 6* which I think will be within the next month since I’m on around 8000 shards. Thanks for the help!
  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54

    I’d wait and go for Elder’ Bane first

    Yeah I think I’m going to have to
  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54
    Tony886 said:

    Wow you have good roster

  • Chaos_Emperor786Chaos_Emperor786 Member Posts: 54
    TheSaith said:

    You have pretty good roasters.. Aa, GR, Venom, Sentinel, Medusa, IMIW... All are pretty good.. Definitely go for it.. Just ra k em up

    Yeah I need to get some more rank up materials
  • damakqdamakq Member Posts: 10
    do gladiator hulk useful as they said for act 6.1.1..?
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Uh you know you can’t use 3* or 4* right? Just filter them out so we can see who you can actually use in Act 6. I would rank up Venom and Sentinel, and try to get OR duped for the CB boss. Beef up your roster first.
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 123
    You have great champs but their levels leave a lot to be desired... Your best bet against crossbones is that omega red, but he needs to be r4 in order to do enough damage to out power his vigor node, also be wary because his bleeds can and will overpower what you'd regen from willpower mastery... As previously mentioned medusa will be good against sentinel and ultron BUT keep in mind there will be a sentinel miniboss with biohazard node, which your medusa nor omega red will be capable of properly handling... The hard quests are 6.1.1, 6.1.2 and 6.1.5 with the latter of the 3 being the hardest due to crossbones... I got through sentinel by powering through with revives as I didn't have a bleed immune till later, I used my r4 void (unawakened) and I was prepared to use colossus against cb lol but luckily I pulled a corvus glaive, took him to r3 and achieved my cav title... I'm f2p as well so units aren't easy to come by, ensure you stack a good amount and store boosts, good luck mate
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    I’d go elders bane, you will need more 4-55 chanps and a 5-65 would be useful for cav
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