I would like to ask if anyone knows every single character that has any form of true strike(someone can can counter evade). If you know everyone,please share it. Thank you.
Cyclops gains it on specials with the sinister synergy. I only know this because i pulled cyke as a 6* and was trying to find any possible use for him i could
Cyclops gains it on specials with the sinister synergy. I only know this because i pulled cyke as a 6* and was trying to find any possible use for him i could
Phoenix too, which i discovered for the same reason. Luckily i have a r4 emma so shes useful for that synergy and tbh i actually really really like playing with her, just wish her incinerates were stronger.
Killmonger with WS synergy is best true strike in the game. No contest. Even without that synergy I would argue he is but there might be some contest depending on the matchup
Proxima also has true accuracy when she completes a mission after permanently after 100 hits with a synergy
Even though Karnak gets lots of hate, his true strike and focus is pretty good. Granted, he needs to fire of a special 1, but he also is able to overcome class disadvantage over time. With the inhuman royal family synergy his true strike gets added duration as well. I find him to be quite useful as a true strike champ and his crit rate is one of the bests once he has focus going.
Sparky shuts down evaders for 18 secs with his sp3. Not true strike, but if it's only evading you are needing a counter for, there is that option if no other better options are available.
Speaking of champs with some form of true strike/true accuracy and no other evade shutdowns there are: aegon, cable, corvus w/ proxima synergy, cull obsidian, both cyclops w/ Mr sinister synergy, gamora, Heimdall, Karnak, killmonger, Mr sinister w/ cyclops synergy, Phoenix w/ Mr sinister synergy, proxima, punisher 2099, and venom. Keep in mind that there are many other champs who can stop evades, but these are the ones with true strike/ true accuracy.
Iceman doesnt have true strike. He only shuts down evades
This is correct. An opponent with a coldsnap debuff cannot evade. Definitely not the same thing as true strike, as true strike can also ignore autoblocks
With his someone who can counter evade definition I thought that’s what he was going for, but yeah you’re right
I appreciate the answers everyone,but I also meant everyone that can counter evades as well,hence the term I used:"any form of true strike" and not just true strike. Thank you.
IMO, the best evade counters in the game are awakened Iceman, Venom for any spiderverse hero, Spider gwen and she hulk since all you have to do with the latter 2, is land a heavy on initial parry and your set (as long as you periodically refresh the heavy).
Proxima also has true accuracy when she completes a mission after permanently after 100 hits with a synergy
Edited to add Quake as well.